Important Message

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Hey Everyone so Yesterday I uploaded MewTwo Izuku very Late

Well that is because I was out getting my New Apartment, Writing up the application, Meeting the Land Lord, Paying the Damage Deposit, If you ever moved into a Apartment or any place by yourself or with a Roommate you know what I am talking

It is very tiring

Anyway I want to also tell you guys what is Going to happen

So Since I am Moving Chapters will be Very Late or might Miss the day they are supposed to be Uploaded because I will be Packing and very Tired

I will Hopefully get MewTwo Izuku done before I fully Move into my New Place

But with That Being said I will not be able to Post the Next Story which is Izuku 10 after MewTwo Izuku is dome until I finish Unpacking at my New Place

Now you all probably want to know when that might be well My Move in Date is May 1st because they are Working on the Unit I am moving into so I have to wait to move in

After May 1st give me about a Week or So Hopefully it won't be that Long to Unpack and get my Bills all in Order

I will of Course inform you all when I start Posting again but until then I hope you all will be patient with me until I finish Moving

Well that is everything I have to say I now need to go get move Boxes God you never realise how much stuff you have until you have to Move and how many Boxes you need anyway

This is Jinzo Signing Out

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