Chapter 13 Training for the Sports Festival

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(Chapter 12 was Short so here is Chapter 13)

We see Izuku meditating as we also see the Girls Training with the Help of Mirko 

As Mirko is Showing Rias and Yui how to properly kick as Katsumi is Showing Momo how she starts her Work out as Shoka and Kyoka are helping each other with Hand to Hand because both need to work on that 

As Inko is seen with Tenko walking up to them and gives them Drinks as Tenko looks at Izuku 

Tenko: Auntie is that all Izuku does for Training 

As Inko looks to Izuku as he is just Meditating as she looks at Tenko as the Girls also listen in 

Inko: Yes that is really all he needs to do really I mean he does train his physical body but he mainly stays With Mental Training 

Mirko: I still want to face him in Battle I mean Training with a Man Made God will definitely be a Test for My Strength

Katsumi: I want to also test my Strength with Ichan 

Shoka: Same with me

Momo: I too would like to test my Limits 

Kyoka: I would also I know I am not That Strong but Training with Izuku can really Help me 

Rias: I want to also train by Facing Izuku 

Yui: I want to also I have a Few Spells I want to see if they can work on him 

Inko: Well why not Ask him Girls I mean he is your Boyfriend 

Tenko: Wait What 

Katsumi: We all Agreed to Share him but we are Taking it little by Little do to Izuku not actually know what that Means also Midnight is Dating him also she just been very Busy

Mirko: Test Me it is Hard especially for me because of my He- Quirk but I will wait until he is Ready and Understands more 

Tenko: Ok Then 

Inko: Tenko do you have anyone you like 

Tenko: What 

This made Tenko blush as the Girls smirk as Izuku walks up behind him 

Izuku: I sense he likes Ryukyu the Dragon Hero 

Tenko: IZUKU 

As Tenko blushes Hard as he looks away as Inko and the Girls shake their heads

Inko: Izuku sweetie looks Like I still need to explain that you don't go telling people Who likes Who or what they feel for someone

Izuku: Sorry Mom

Inko: It is Find 

Mirko: Lets Move on Izuku you stopped Meditating 

Izuku: Yes because you all wish to Fight me to Train 

Shoka: Right you can still sense what is happening around you even in meditation

Izuku: Yes 

Katsumi: Well Your Right we do so can we 

Izuku: Yes I will help grow your Strength 

Inko: Well if that is the Case then Why not go to one of the Fake Cities Mirko you can access them since you're a teacher now 

Mirko: Great Idea also this way we all can let loose 

Izuku: I don't want to sound Rude and make you think You're All weak but I will only be using 5% of my Power 

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