Chapter 19 The Girl's Time to Shine Part 2

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We start off with Kyoka going against Denki as he is thinking he got this as Kyoka just looks at Midnight and Nods saying she is Ready as Denki does the Same

Denki: Sorry Flat Chest but You will not win this 

Kyoka: Flat Chest 

Denki: Your Boobs I mean your a Washboard how can Anyone find you attractive

This Made Kyoka look down as Midnight wanted to Kill Denki for saying that to Kyoka as Izuku was also Pissed but Sensed something from Kyoka

As Kyoka started to Laugh as Denki was Confused 

Kyoka: You think I care about my Chest Size God you are a Idiot, Sure I might not be Big in the Chest but Izuku still likes me for me not for the Size of my Chest and That is All I care About, Guys that can't see pass a Girls Chest Size is just a Pig 

This made the Girls in the Area Cheer for what Kyoka said as the Guys are just staying silent as Denki looks around then Looks at Kyoka

Denki: How can Boob size not Matter they are the only Good thing about a Woman 

Kyoka: And that is why you will stay Single for the Rest of your Life now Make your Attack so I can Win 

Denki: You think you can Win Bitch well take this 100,000 Volts 

As Denki shoot his electricity at Kyoka as She just jumps and Rolls to the Side dodging his Attack as he becomes Stupid as he starts Walking around like a Dumbass as Kyoka gets up from the Floor as she walks to Denki and pushes him out of the Ring 


As all the Girls in the Arena start Chanting Kyoka's named as the Guys just clap as we Cut to Katsumi's Fight with Kirishima 

*Uraraka didn't make it to the Final Round*

As Kirishima was in the Ring flexing his muscles as he looks at Katsumi who shook her head

Kirishima: Hey Babe see this, This is the Body of a Real Man and a Real Human unlike your Boyfriend MewTwo a Freak Clone of some Stupid Creature so why don't you leave him and Date me 

As Katsumi looks at Midnight 

Katsumi: Can we Start now 

Midnight: Yes And I am even waiting for Him to say he is ready 

As Katsumi smirks as She Rushes Kirishima who was still showing his muscles as he looks to see the Match started as he hardens his Body but Katsumi slides on the Ground and kicks his Knee in as you can hear a crack sound as Kirishima falls to the Ground and Screams 


Katsumi: You know Hardening only your Top Half is a Stupid Idea not everyone will go into a Brawl with you 

As Kirishima tries to get Up but fails because Katsumi Kicks him in the Chest because Kirishima stopped his Quirk 

Katsumi: Come on "Real man" I thought you show me that I should date you instead of My Ichan who by the Way has a Better Body then you 

As Kirishima gets Up and Hardens this Body and goes to attack Katsumi who just keeps Dodging his Attacks 


As Katsumi dodges another attack as she sends a explosion at Kirishima as he is sent back and trips on his own Leg 

Katsumi: Because I am Faster than you, When you use your Quirk your Speed falls because your To Heavy meaning that someone Faster and Smarter than you can easily dodge your Attacks 


As Kirishima rushes Katsumi again as she keeps dodging as She uses her Explosions to Fly Up 


Katsumi: I have been training with My Ichan with my Harem Sisters, Izuku is So Smart he realised that I can Use my explosions to Fly Kind of like a Rocket I just need to make sure I keep my explosions at minimum power or else I can cause some Major Damage 

Kirishima: Damn It How am I losing to you I am Stronger 

Katsumi: Why does everyone think being Stronger is better, You may be Strong but always thinking you will win because you are Strong will get You and Many People Killed you need to use your Brain with your Strength, strategize a plan so that You can defeat your Enemy without causing to much Damage 


Katsumi: Then you will never be a True Hero 

As Katsumi rushes Kirishima as she grabs him and throws hims out of the Ring as he screams in Hatred as Katsumi lands in the Ring as The Crowd Cheers for Her 

Midnight: Alright everyone we will take a 30 Minute Break to set up for the Next Matches 

As Midnight leaves with Katsumi as we go to the Stands as we See Izuku meditating as we see that he is in the Void with Mew 

Mew: My Beloved Izuku we need to Talk 

Izuku: About what 

Mew: I fear that there is another 

Izuku: Another what 

Mew: Another You 

This made Izuku shocked 

Izuku: What do you mean 

Mew: I sensed another you is being created right now but unlike you this one is not Friendly 

Izuku: But I destroyed the Scientists that Created me How 

Mew: The scientist brother

Izuku: The one from the USJ 

Mew: Yes I believe he somehow found my DNA on the Island you were created or His Brother Sent some DNA of you to him

Izuku: I will destroy that other me 

Mew: I agree Izuku 

Izuku: I will Tell Mom about this 

Mew: Good My beloved also I am Happy you started Calling her Mom she went threw so much Pain bringing you into this World especially with your tail

Izuku: What does that mean 

Mew: Oh Nothing Just Know you maybe my Clone but You have more in common with Inko than you think 

As Mew disappears leaving Izuku confused 

Izuku: Mom went through pain to bring me into this world but I was Created in a Test Tube….. Or was I 

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