(Chapter 3) Late night cuddles(Fluff)

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Scarlett's pov
Sam cuddles me and plays with my hair I smile and he kisses me lightly on my cheeks, he strokes my hair and body I then mess with his hair and mess it up.
"hey stop that" sam says while laughing.
"sorry sammy" I smile as Sam looks at me.
"I love you Scarlett I know we just met but I really love you" I look at him then I start to smile.
"I love you to" I say, Sam looks at me.
"hey uh you wanna watch a movie?" I then got up and turned on my Tv and went on Netflix.
"I have a good movie we can watch!" Sam tilts his head.
"like what?" He asked I then search up 'The conjuring.
"Let's watch The Conjuring!" I exclaimed as Sam lets out a sigh.
"fine but if you get scared don't come to me, because your the one who decided to watch it" so we watched it and I got scared and hugged Sam tightly.
"you got scared didn't you?" He says I ignored him and I didn't continue watching the movie.

After the movie was over I was asleep and Sam was downstairs with Colby, Jake, Corey, And Aaron.
"hey brothers what y'all doing?" Sam says as he walks past the living room.
Colby looks at him.
"oh hey man!" Sam walks over to them and sits dow then he yawns.
"you tired?" Colby asked Sam as he looked very tired . "well go get some sleep with Scarlett she probably wants cuddles" sam smiles and got up.
"yea your right" Sam then goes upstairs and goes to my room and gets in bed with me then cuddles me.
I felt his warmth rub against my body so I then wrapped my arms around him.
Sam lightly smiles to my touch.

Later in the night I woke up and went downstairs and got something to eat then I saw a picture of Sam and what looked like to be his girlfriend.
so I grabbed it and went upstairs and walked to my room then I saw Sam was awake.
"Sam who's this?" I ask he looks at me.
"oh..well that's Katrina my Ex..." he says in a sad voice as if he didn't want to talk about it.
"What happened why did y'all break up?" I asked as I got closer to him.
Sam looks at me.
"Well it wasn't my choice it was hers but I mean we're still friends...and I guess I wasn't really ready for a girlfriend" I then place the picture down.
"Well I'm sorry I had to bring it up" I said as I looked down.
Sam then wrapped his arms around me and I looked up to see him hugging me.
"It's okay i just get emotional" he said then he stopped hugging me.
"Hey uh want to go to a party or something to get your mind off of things?" I asked then Sam looks at me.
"Sure I could go to a party" he said I then got up and grabbed a hoodie and I grabbed a skirt and so I look at Sam.
"Could you look away please?" I asked Sam then turns around.
"Thanks" I then take my shirt off and put the hoodie on and the skirt.
"Ok you can look now" Sam looks at me and he sees I'm wearing his Dumb & Wise merch.
"You look nice I like the outfit and are you wearing my merch?" He says I look at the hoodie then back at Sam "Yea" I then smile.

So we get up and go downstairs and I saw everyone on the couch.

GHOST TOWN//Sam Golbach//SMUT & FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now