the talk

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"Spirit brother you got way bigger" Aonung signs to his tulkun 

"As have you" His soul brother responds 

"I met a girl" He signs once again causing a large smile to form on my face

"You picked well young one" His Tulkun responds while Aonung holds his hand out 

"Hi, I'm Netyia" I sign confidently 

Aonung fills him in on everything that had happened since they last saw or talked to eachother while I drift back up to the surface, It was a lovely sight to see. It reminds me of when I rant to Hako for hours on end but thats everyday I couldnt imagine not seeing him for over a year. Suddenly Aonung rises to the surface

"He likes you just as much as I do darling" Aonung says causing me to blush uncontrollbly 

We mount his Ilu and ride back to the shore where Tuk was waiting for Aonung 

"Aonung you promised me to build sandcastles with me" Tuk says with a mix of confusion and sadness 

"I'm here now Tuk" Aonung says before sitting behind Tuk 

Watching how good he is with kids engages something in me, He does everything so pasionately. Wether that is playing with Tuk for hours on end or Fishing outside of the reef or Training, He does everything so well. A smile spreads across my face at the sight of them then Tsireya and Lo'ak approach the 3 of us, followed by them was Neteyam and Roxto 

"Look at my castle guys" Tuk says cheerfully 

"Looks good Tuk" Lo'ak and Neteyam say insync

After playing in the sand for hours we all go our seperate ways, Aonung kisses my forehead before releasing my hand. I catch up with my brothers standing in the middle of them and throwing my arms around their shoulders 

"Theres a bonfire tonight Tyia wanna come with us?" Neteyam asks

"Uhm of course I do" I say smiling once again 

We approach our familys hut, Mother was talking with kiri and Father was cooking dinner while Tuk was playing with shells she had found 

"Netyia, a word please" Dad says 

"Yes sir" I say 

I go to him in the Kitchen waiting for some kind of lecture 

"This was a conversation I was hoping to have in like 10 years time but I think its better if I tell you now" He says with a disgust look 

"Dad spit it out your scaring me" I say giggling a bit 

" Okay well this is very awkward for me but I will try, When a boy and a girl like eachother they are bound to you know hav-"

I cut him off "Dad gross" 

"hey, would you rather your mother find out that you and aonung"

"No Continue" I say sitting on the bench 

" As i was saying I just want you guys to be safe if you guys ever have intercourse or mate for that matter" He says cringing at his own words

"Okay dad" I say grossed out 

" I dont want to be a grandpa yet" 

"Okay I get it Dad shush now" I say laughing quietly 

"Now go play with Tuk" He says as I nod 

I sit next to Tuk as she talks about how fun it is here and so on. I zoned out thinking about Aonung, should I be thinking about him? no I dont even know what we are. Dad snaps me out of my trance by shouting 


We all take our share of food and sit down talking about our day 

"Soo Netyia, You and the cheifs son?" Lo'ak says making me choke on my food as I feel my mothers eyes on me 

"Lo'ak, You and the cheifs daughter?" I say grinning as Mother shoots her attention to him 

"Aonung is so nice Mother, he made sandcastles with me today and the other day I landed a backflip because he helped" Tuk says unknownily causing the tension in the room to sky rocket 

I smile at her statement as I take another mouthful 

"Woah sir since when did you get the talent for cooking?" Neteyam asks

"Your father has always had a good taste in food" Mother says with a smile 

The dinner carries on as usual until it finishes and I leave to find Tsireya so we can get ready for the bonfire together, I find her and she takes me to her room and we start getting ready 

"Here Netyia wear this" She says placing a top in my hands 

"Holy eywa this is stunning thank you reya" I say giving her a hug 

"Oh yeah and this, Aonung made it for you" She says placing a Shell necklace in my hands 

We get ready and head down to the Bonfire near the beach, Tsireya goes to find Lo'ak while I try and find Aonung, I find him pretty fast 

"Hey beautiful" He says gretting me 

"Hey handsome" I say back as his eyes start wondering causing me to lift his head up 

"Woah my eyes are up here pretty boy" I say as a smirk grows on his face 

We dance with Lo'ak and Tsireya and Neteyam joins in for a little, Suddenly Aonung grabs my hand and pulls me away from everyone 

"Where are we goi-" He cuts me off by placing his lips on mine 

"I've been waiting for that" He says before coming in for more 


We find a spot as he lays me down not breaking our lips apart, His lips move from mine onto my neck then my shoulder then back to mine as he hand slides down my stomach until he places his fingers in me causing a gasp to escape my mouth, He glides his fingers in and out causing me to moan into his lips "Right there" He speeds up more until I reach my climax releasing onto his fingers. 

"Your turn" I say fliping him onto his back 

he pulls his cloth down to his ankles revealing his boner, My hands start to pump his dick causing him to whimper as I lower my head onto his dick aswell. It doesnt take long until he releases into my mouth as I swallow his white liquid.


We lay with eachother for awhile in comfortoable silence until he speaks 

"Netyia?" He asks playing with my braids 

"Yeah?" I respond 

"Would you like to be my mate" He says as I get up from his chest 

"Yes I thought you would never ask" I say before hugging him 

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