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After the moment with Aonung we talk about what had unraveled at home and what had been said. I find myself drifting even closer to Aonung

"Come here" He says trying to lighten the mood 

He pulls me in wiping the tears off my cheeks, I feel a smile grow on my lips 

"Your too pretty to cry" He says looking deep into my eyes 

I find myself caught up in the moment until a hear yelling in the distance, I go to get up back Aonung pulls me back down, resting me in his lap. 

"No stay with me I need you" 

The words run in my head but I do as he says and stay in his embrace as we talk again.

After another hour or 2 I get up holding my hand out to help Aonung up and he takes it, We run through the forest as it reminds me of my family in the forest, all the good memories of all of us kids growing up, the bond I had with Mother and Father, Gysha and Noxus having climbing wars up the tree. i get so caught up in the moment I forget that im in the ocean tribes home which had grown on me alot 

"I will see you tomorrow 6am bright and early" He says before bringing me in and kissing my forehead 

I nod and head back home to find everyone cosy and asleep not realising how late it was, The stars were bright and the sun was no where to be seen. I sneak back into my bed where tuk was laying 

"Netyia your back" She says hopeful 

"Hey tuk of course I am" I reply 

She snuggles up to my chest and falls back to sleep as I stay awake awhile longer before drifting into my own sleep 

The next morning im woken by a tap on my shoulder, I adjust my eyes to the orange sky and look up to see Aonung standing over me 

"Tuks asleep" I say to him unable to move my arm from around her 

"She can come aswell you know" He says offering his hand 

I shake Tuk gently as she wakes up adjusting the same way I did 

"Wanna come with Aonung and I?"I say with a smile 

She nods and gets up to give Aonung a hug who is croched down to her height hugging her tightly, I smile at the sight as I leave a note for Dad

He calls his ilu as I call in mine, Tuk chooses to ride with him to a new cove she wanted to explore. I follow Aonung through the water as we reach the cove. We go through the entrance to reveal glowing plants under the water

"Netyia its so pretty" Tuk says excitingly 

"Just as pretty as you" Aonung says squezzing her cheeks causing her to giggle aswell as me 

You get up on the rocks watching Tuk and Aonung bond over the beauty of the plants and creatures surronding them and Tuk trying to hold her breath longer than Aonung. Tuk then gets on Aonung shoulders and pretends shes flying, a smile appears on my face at the sight of them 

"Netyia cmon, come see this" Tuk suggests as I go down submereing myself in the water 

"Look at this trick, ready?" Tuk says

Aonung then helps her to her feet resting on his shoulders, she then takes a deep breath before doing a backflip off his shoulders 

"You did it Tuk welldone" Aonung says putting both of his hands out for a double high five 

Tuk then comes to me and signals to get picked up and I do. We all play in the water doing all types of crazy dives and flips until Aonung brings up the time and we head back for more training. But before we could father stops me 

"Netyia we need to talk" Dad says sternly, I nod in agreement and flash a smile to the others as we walk along the beach 

"Your mother told me about what happened last night and just know I'm so proud that you are putting in an amazing effort with your training I know how much you miss home" I look at him confused because I went into this conversation thinking I was going to get told off 

"Your right dad I really do miss the forest but some people make it better" I say looking back at Roxto, Tsireya, Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tuk and Aonung 

"Whats up with you and the cheifs son" Dad says raising an eyebrow aswell as digging his elbow into my side 

"Nothing dad" I say smiling 

"Now Netyia, your a fathers daughter. You fell for the Cheifs son just like how I feel for your mother, Does Eywa approve?" He says eager to know more 

"Well im guessing so because when I went to the tree I saw Eywas vision for me and he was there please dont tell mother" I say giving my father the gossip he wants

"Dont worry babygirl I wont" He says before getting up then helping me up before hushing me back to the group 

I walk back to the group to hear Tuk telling the events of what happened this morning 

"The plants were so preety you shouldve seen it guys it was beautiful and then Aonung said we should try a trick and It was so cool I have to show you all tonight we should go back Netyia" She says enthusiasticly looking at me with hope in her eyes 

"Of course Tuk anything for you" I say to her 

She then lets out a squeal of excitement before latching on to me and listening to Tsireya 

"You guys have tamed ilus and seen the beautys of the ocean now its time for you to learn about the creatures of the sea" She says as we all listen in 

Aonung smirks at me and Neteyam notices flicking his eyes between the both of us before smiling at Roxto and Kiri as she rolls her eyes once again 

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