Dawn after a nightmare

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Why am I running? It's so dark.
No I don't wanna go back there. I have to keep going. I need to get away.

"Oh Y/n~ you know you can't escape me. After all, I WILL NEVER STOP HUNTING YOU".

I knew with every fiber of my being that if the voice caught me I would never get away again. I would be dragged back, kicking and screaming, to that awful place.

Faster, faster, I need to get away.
All of a sudden. . . "Got you~".


It was that dream again. . . No, not dream, nightmare. I was in my room. . . I was safe. They could never get me again. I made sure of that.
I knew I wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep so I slowly sat up, sweat in my h/c hair and causing my shirt to be damp.

*sigh* "time to clean my sheets . . . again", I mumbled to myself. I reached for my desk and grabbed my f/c glasses before looking at my clock and saw it wasn't even 4:00. Looks like another early day for me.

Slowly getting out of my bed, taking all the time I want, I went ahead and turned off my alarm for 7:30. Why I even bother to set it is a mystery I'm too lazy to solve. Shuffling around my room I grabbed my f/c shirt, some clean underwear, a pair of shorts, and a comfy hoodie before heading to the connected bathroom.

Looking around it once I still can't help but smile with a hint of pride at my work.

When I first got my house it was old, outdated, and falling apart in some places. Although that is how I was able to afford it, that didn't mean I was going to leave it that way. After two years of hard work—it only took that long because of how expensive some of my renovations were—It was completed. I've now lived hear three-and-a-half years and still smile with pride when I enter some of my rooms.

My bathroom was a modern design with soft f/c accents. My shower had a foggy glass door that I made sure always looked clean and a shower head that always seemed to relax me afterwards. A couple steps to the right of my shower was my humongous bathtub with jets and heaters installed. On the far side of my bathroom on the opposite side was a divider and behind that was my toilet. Don't judge, I just enjoy the privacy . . . Even if I live alone. Before the divider, and all along the wall, was my countertop and sink. My countertops and sink were white/black marble with f/c and gold specks and my faucet was a sleek silver.

After setting my clothes down and stepping in the shower, I turned the water to as hot as I can stand and just . . . breathed.

Letting the water relax my muscles, I allowed myself to metaphorically float away. After an unknown amount of time, I snapped back from my daze and started cleaning all the sweat from my body and hair, not forgetting to use my f/s shampoo and conditioner. Once done, I toweled off, got dressed, and did my morning routine.

A while later I was clean, as refreshed as my lazy self could be, and making my way downstairs. Humming a haunting tune under my breath, I considered what I would do today.

It was a weekend, meaning I didn't have to work, and it was raining, taking away all of my outside activities like sitting in a tree or snoozing in the sun.

Don't get me wrong, I sometimes have energy, and when I do I'm like a child on a sugar high, but today was just not one of those days. Sighing I decided breakfast was in order before making a decision.

Finally making it downstairs I headed for the kitchen with the intention of cooking my f/f for breakfast. On the way I suddenly stopped.

Something felt different. I wasn't sure if the different was good, bad, safe, or dangerous. So, while relaxing back into my usual stance and making my way towards the kitchen, I slowly looked around and reached for one my many baseball bats that I keep in almost every room in my house. It was f/c, metal, and a pretty decent length.

Suddenly I heard a thump and without another thought I grabbed the bat and hid behind the corner trying to assess the threat(s).

I heard groaning, multiple curses, and someone hissing something. Whatever they said, it made the cursing voice go quiet so I'm assuming it was along the lines of "be quiet" or "shut it".

Determining their was more than one did not deter me from thinking of ways to scare them off. I didn't enjoy fighting but that doesn't mean I wasn't good at it. In fact, I was well versed in many fighting styles although f/f/s was my favorite. So I knew I could probably handle whoever these people were.

Without further thought I creeped around the corner I was hiding in and quietly made my way towards where I last heard the voices. My living room.
Raising the bat above my head I leapt out with a

Oh how I wish I thought of how there may have been more than two people in my house. Standing in front of me, in various stances ranging from defensive, offensive, and just plain confused were . . .


I don't know who was more freaked out; me or them. All I know is I had an instinct to shift my head to the side and so I did. After all, I always listen to my instincts since they have saved my life more than a couple times. And good thing I did too. In the wall behind where my head once was shone an axe.
I was beyond furious. All my hard work! Gone! I mean seriously, does no one respect other peoples houses anymore.

The skeleton who threw the axe had a gaping hole in their head and a glowing red eye. I couldn't tell if he was more angry or more surprised that I dodged his axe but right now, I could care less.

He ruined my wall that I toiled for a good three days to take down, put back up, plaster, and paint. I was so going to get him for that. So, with a creepy smile on my face, I dropped my bat, yanked the axe out of the wall, and walked towards him slowly while saying "time to chop some bone".

Before I could move more than three steps, a blue . . . Cinnamon bun was in my way.

Dressed with a blue scarf, gloves, and boots, the cutie said in a surprisingly loud voice, "PLEASE DO NOT HARM HORROR HUMAN, I'M SURE HE DIDN'T MEAN TO THROW HIS AXE AT YOU".

I raised a brow at that but, for the sake of the cute skeleton I lowered the axe, only now seeing the way some of the skeletons were looking at me.

*groan* "if I'm gonna deal with talking skeletons that all look like each other, and how you got in my house I'm gonna need some coffee and food" I said.

"Until I have had both stay in here, don't cause trouble, and don't break my things".

After saying the last part menacingly, and staring at each of the . . . Sweating—how were they sweating they were skeletons!— and some grinning skeletons I headed for the kitchen. Looking at the clock, I came to a realization.

It wasn't even 6 yet!

Hello anyone who decided to read this and thank you for trying it out! As you could probably tell I'm completely new to writing stories and this is my very first one! Also, if any of you have any constructive criticism for me I would love to read it and I'm not sure when I'll next update but I promise I will.

Have a good morning/night/day wherever you are and see you next update. Lastly, If my story is too much like someone else's and I am accidentally copying please tell me so I can either give them credit or revise my story.

Please and thank you

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