"Alright, let's go," Yunjin said to which Kazuha gladly started walking towards the direction she saw Minji leave in a few minutes before. Yunjin started walking but not before stealing a glance at the bracelet the girl was looking at.

The two found Minji in an aisle surrounded by different types of necklaces and saw her holding up two options while staring at both. The two laughed together as they walked up to their friend.

"Personally, I think that one looks better on you.." Kazuha said, pointing to the one that was being held by Minji's left hand. Yunjin hummed, "She's right, Minji."

Minji rolled her eyes at Yunjin in a teasing way, "Of course you agree with her." Yunjin gave her a confused a confused look and so did Kazuha. Minji saw their faces and laughed in front of them.

"What does that mean? I just happened to agree," Yunjin asked, still confused but by this time Minji was giving Kazuha a teasing look which made her finally understand what she was implying. Minji smirked seeing how her friend's face turn from confusion to realization to pink.

"Nothing, gosh. You're still slow as ever.." Minji muttered before putting the necklace Kazuha and Yunjin didn't like back and taking the one they liked with her. She didn't bother waiting for her two friends and made her way to the checkout. Yunjin looked at the girl beside her, "Let's get going, she just left us." She waited for Kazuha to walk before her.

The two caught up to Minji who was checking out and waited for her to buy her new necklace. The three of them were talking about random topics as they continued walking through the mall and going into different stores. After an hour or so, the three finally decided they were too hungry to wait another minute.

Kazuha suggested they go eat at the wingstop she saw when they were walking around making Minji praise her for her smart decision, "Good taste, my friend. I can also see that you have good taste in potential lovers too.." Minji muttered the last sentence.

"What?" Kazuha looked at her friend questionly but in return Minji gave a shrug, "Don't worry about it." The girl gave her a skeptical look but didn't pay much mind to it. Yunjin saw their interaction but shrugged it off. Then, she remembered something.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go buy something I saw earlier. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to buy it, but I do now."

Kazuha and Minji nodded and said a temporary goodbye as they watched Yunjin leave. Once she was out of sight, Minji and Kazuha started walking inside the Wingstop.

While they were walking Minji asked a question to her friend, "Do you like anyone right now?"

Kazuha gave her friend a look and thought about it before clearly answering, "Sure." Minji smirked teasingly, "Who is it?"


Minji's smile dropped almost immediately in shock and disappointment. She thought her friend would've say Yunjin but hearing her other cousin's name come out of her mouth made her go blank. She looked at the girl to see if she was being serious or not, but she only got a plain look back, Kazuha wondering why Minji looked so shocked.

What. Was all Minji was thinking. Kazuha looked like she had an obvious big crush on her dear cousin and so did Yunjin. How did Wooyoung even enter this story? She asked herself in disbelief. She didn't like this love triangle situation. She gagged at the thought of her other cousin dating her lovely friend. Not the STDs.. she grimaced.

She felt bad for her cousin because she could tell that Yunjin clearly had a crush on her friend but knowing that Kazuha had a crush on Wooyoung threw her off. For now, Minji kept quiet and watched as her friend ordered their food.

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