45. The best birthday gift

Start from the beginning

"Y/n, do you remember how we met?" Sao asked.

I looked up at him, surprised, and then smiled.

"Of course. It was in kindergarten, I think. I was getting bullied by other girls. And you saved me. They were so scared of you. After that, you helped me get up on my feet, and said you were gonna protect me from every girl or boy that will ever try to bully me. We are friends since then."

We all laughed.

"And you're telling me you never fell in love with him?" Ena asked, not believing it. "I would have fallen long ago."

I could see Tooru give her a side glance, probably trying to stay calm. Ena and him had an eye contact, before Ena lifted up her hands innocently.

"It's a joke, Oikawa."

"I hope." he whispered, turning his attention back to his food.

I looked over at Sao and we started laughing, not being able to control ourselves. Tooru then abruptly lifted up his head to me, an annoyed expression glued to his face. He was silently asking questions.

"Why are you so on guard, Tooru? You know I would never fall in love with my bestfriend. By now, you should have guessed it ; Platonic!"

He ended up pouting. All the table laughed at him for being so childish. The dinner ended up with us talking about how we all met. Sao had brought up the subject, so they all shared how they met each other. Tooru had taken back his good attitude. Seeing smile like this made me smile. When everyone was full, my uncle started cleaning the table. Ena and Irana eventually helped him. Sao, Hajime, Tooru and I were too caught up by the talk we were having.

After they were done with cleaning the table, we took place on the couch, because we were about to open the gifts. Sao was the first one to open them, logically. Tooru and I were seated in a corner, glued to each other. Ena had the other one to herself, Irana beside her. Julio was between Irana and I. Sao was on the edge of the couch and my uncle was in the kitchen, probably preparing the dessert. It was getting late, only one hour before midnight. Sao was waiting for us to be ready and he opened the first gift.

Each time, when he knew who it was from, he would get up and go hug them. Lastly, when he realized there wasn't any more and that I didn't shout when mine was opened, he looked at me sadly. I took the little package I had in my back and gave it to him. A smile and an expression of relief appeared on his face. He sighed, taking the little box away from me. He ripped off the wrapping and open the little box. I decided I would motivate him while he was in Tokyo. It was a bracelet. There were letters as decorations. It was written : "Go, Sao! You can do it." Not much, but he loved it. He came over to me and hugged me so hard I felt I was gonna suffocate.

"It's your turn now." he told me, giving me his gift.

Opening it, I was so happy to see that it was a photo album, handmade, with stickers, drawings and of course... photos of us, from our childhood to now. I loved it so much I promised myself I would cherish it forever. When the last gift was opened, I turned to Tooru and looked at him, wondering where his was.

"I don't have mine yet. But soon." he had this grin that told me he was pretty proud of his idea. I squinted my eyes, finding him suspicious.

I looked at the others and realized they all had the same smile on their faces. They knew what it was. And I'm curious.

Suddenly, the lights turned off and we all started to chant happy birthday to Sao. My uncle arrived in the living room, putting down the cake on the table. As we talked about, there was two sides. One with volleyball drawings, eighteen candles and an eighteen sign. On the other side, there was written "University of Tokyo" with a pen and sheet, eighteen candles and the same eighteen sign that was on mine. When we had finished singing, Sao blew out the candles that was on his side, finishing with the sign.

"It's Y/n's turn, now!" my uncle said.

"Wait, what time is it?"

I opened my phone, only to realize we were only a minute away from January 28th. I stood up from where I was, leaving Tooru alone and kneeled in front of the table, where the cake was. When the date changed, they all started singing again and then, I blew on the candles.

"I wish...

"I wish for us to stay like this forever."


We each ate a piece of cake. It was delicious. Ena and uncle really did a good job. The rest of the cake was divided in two, a part of it given to Sao and the other put in the fridge. Each one of them then left, going their separate ways. On our side, Tooru had the opportunity to stay, so he staid. We went up to my bedroom and while I was changing myself into my pajamas in my room, Tooru went back downstairs to change in the bathroom. When he came back, he knocked, making sure I was ready and opened the door. He slowly and carefully closed it behind him. I was closing my curtains and when I turned around, I found Tooru one knee to the floor. He then took out a little box and took it to me, opening it.

"Y/n, remember when I said I would marry you? Now, then, will you marry me?"

I put my hands to my mouth. I couldn't believe his actions or words. He did say he would give me my gift later, but I didn't think it was this soon... Tears were appearing at the corner of my eyes and then, I took my hands away from my mouth.


"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now