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We walked to the great hall, both too hungry to make a real conversation going. As Draco and I finally arrived through the heavy wooden doors of the hall, I found out that I sure was right. The hall was packed with students, mostly from Hogwarts, but also from two other schools. At first having Beuxbatons' and Durmstrang's students wandering around the castle in their uniforms felt weird, but with time everyone got used to it. We even made a friend with Leona, this french girl called Anna.

We walked past the Beuxbatons' girls and towards the Slytherin table, where I had spotted Leona, Blaise and Theodore sitting. As soon as I saw Theo's face, I immediately stopped my tracks. The incident with him happened a while ago, but seeing him still made me uncomfortable. Everytime I saw Theo after that night, I felt his hands wandering on my body again, his breath on my neck and heard his threats in my ears. Everytime I saw him I felt weak. So weak that I even got embarrassed that nothing serious actually even happened that night, yet he still was disgusting to me.

Draco noticed that I had stopped, turned around and lifted his eyebrows at me, asking me what's happening.

I shook my head, not wanting to show any kind of weakness in front of the whole school and pulled my act together. "Nothing" I said to Draco, pushing past him and walking to the spot where Leona and Blaise were sitting at.

"Es! Where the fuck were you?" Leona said and jumped up from the table. She hugged me tightly and I chuckled. "With Cedric, I'm sorry I should've came to see you first" I said back, we both sitting on the bench now.

"I missed you" Leona said with a genuine smile on her face. "I missed you too" I answered, smiling back at her. I also smiled at Blaise, who answered my smile with his. Reuniting with my best friend almost made me forget the black haired boy sitting in front of me, when Draco opened his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing here Nott?" Draco spat, staring at Theo. He had sat next to me while I was too busy greeting Leona and Blaise.

"What do you mean? I'm fucking eating what does it look like?" Theo fired back at Draco, which made Draco's jaw clench.

"You have real friends, Nott. Why don't you go sit with them?" Blaise stepped in, at least somehow trying to keep the conversation mature.

"I was just about to but you know, there's no denying it, I like the view" Theo said, now turning his gaze towards me, grinning widely, which made Draco lose it. Theo seemed to enjoy pissing Draco off more than anything nowadays.

"That's enough!" Draco shouted, pushing himself from the table, ready to attack Theo any moment now. Theodore jumped back, scared of the blonde, but not enough to run away. Draco started lifting his wand up, but I hurried to take a hold of his hand. I thought that would be enough to stop Draco from cursing Theo but he pushed my hand away and lifted wand up towards Theodore, who also had his wand out.

Now the whole great hall was staring at the two boys, anxious about what was going to happen next.

Before either of them had the chance to do anything, I got up on my feet next to Draco. I lifted my hand up on his cheek, turning his head and forcing him to look at me. "Please don't" I plead, not wanting him to get in trouble because of me again. "He's not worth it. Please don't" I said, moving my hand from his cheek to his hand, carefully taking his wand from him. Draco just stood there, not knowing that should he rather fight Theo, or let me calm him. Eventually his features softened and he turned to look at the boy standing at the other side of the table. "You have three seconds to leave the hall or your going to regret you were ever born" Draco gritted through his teeth.

Theodore seemed to get the hint as he turned around, leaving the spot with a few curse words.

I took Draco's hand again, placing the wand back into his hand and then sitting back next to Leona. "Thank you" I said as Draco sat back down.

"He's disgusting" Leona said, making me divert my eyes from Draco to her. "I know. What the hell has gotten into him? It was like he changed during the summer and hasn't been the same since last year" Blaise said, confused expression written on his face.

"I need to go" Draco said suddenly, bit harsly, before leaving the hall without another word.

I opened my mouth to ask where he was going, but he was already too far. "He's not going after Nott, is he?" I turned my gaze towards my friends on my left.

"I hope not, god knows what could happen if those two decided to fight again" Blaise said, which made me worry even more. Could Draco really get hurt, would Theo really do that?

Leona must've figured out my thoughts when she smacked the back of Blaise's head. "Not helping!" She said. Blaise realised the situation as he turned to look at me. "I mean, I'm sure that ge had just some other business to do" Blaise tried to fix his last sentence.

"Yeah, sure" I said sarcastically, looking at the door of the great hall, just to make sure that Draco wasn't still there.


I said the password of the common room and stepped inside. It was almost past curfew and I had been in the library with Cedric, trying to figure out the golden egg situation.

The common room was almost empty, only few students hanging around. I didn't see my friends anywhere, so I figured that they were all on their way to bed already. Because I didn't feel like sleeping, I sighed and sat on a empty couch in the back of the common room. I took my robe off and left it on the couch next to me, leaving me with my cardigan, skirt and tie on. I opened a book I had took from the library and started to read the pages, hoping to find something helpful.

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