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"Dragons, can you believe it? Dragons!" I panicked and sat down on my bed. I was alone in our dorm with Leona. It was late, but not past curfew yet. Our dorm was quite small, but enough to fit five beds and drawers in it. My bed was placed next to the window in the back of the dorm, while Leona's was standing opposite of mine.

"Relax, he's going beat that little-" Leona had a little pause there to correct her choice of words. "Well probably not that little, -bastard. You have nothing to worry about" she continued and sat down next to me, patting my thigh with her hand. "Yeah, you're right, I hope" I sighed. I had felt like this since the minute Cedric told me, that Potter had known about the first challenge. The feeling of worry burning in my chest, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"You know what might help? All these homework we skipped doing during the free period" Leona said sarcastically as she walked up to her bed and lifted an unmade potions essay from her nightstand. She waved it in the air with a cruel smile on her lips. I was about to say something like "very funny" or "piss off" when I was interrupted by her loud gasp. "What?" I asked as the essay paper dropped to the floor, her hand covering her mouth right after the gasp left her mouth. "I didn't get to ask my question, when Potter showed up!" Leona complained, tightening up her ponytail and hurrying back to sit on my bed. I twisted my face to an confused expression as she looked like our lives would depend on this conversation.

"Spill it out then" I said, lifting both of my legs on the bed, crossing them. "I was about to ask if you had feeling for Malfoy?" she said, smirk forming on her lips as she did. "What?" a loud confused voice escaped my mouth as I felt my jaw drop. "Do you like him?" Leona continued, clearly not taking the hint of my surprised expression. "Are you out of your mind? No! Blimey Leona what are you even thinking?" I said as quickly as I could, the thought of the blonde making me shiver for some reason. "Esme, you giggled when you were with him" Leona pointed out, smirking even more as I got defensive. She knew I almost never giggled, especially when it was in a normal conversation.

"I did not!"

"Yes you did"

"No- did I?" I gave up as I remembered the feeling of heat on my cheeks as he had touched my skin. "See, I told you so" Leona giggled. "Then what? You just giggled, does that mean you have a crush on me now?" I said, sticking with my defensive tone. "I've always had a little crush on you my dear" Leona said over dramatically and stood up from my bed. "Wouldn't it be great to go on a double dates, me and Blaise with you and Draco" she started spinning around, dancing by herself. I chuckled and shook my head at the thought. I also stood up, grabbing my best friend by her arm to stop her dance performance. "Sorry love, but I think that will never happen" I said and started to pull my laughing friend after me, out of our dorms.

"All your's" I said and pushed Leona - who was still laughing - towards Blaise. The boy sat on a couch, now grabbing his girlfriend by her waist and scooping her into his lap. Malfoy was seated on the other side of the couch, looking at his friend with a amused expression on his face. His blonde hair was hanging loosely both sides of his face and his grey eyes were sparkling in the dim lighting of the evening common room. "Sorry love, he took me already. I can't help it" Leona giggled and winked at me as she planted a soft kiss on Blaise's cheek. "No worries babe, I can sit on my own" I chuckled at Leona and sat down between the two boys. Both of them looked confused of our sudden flirting with each other. "Draco babe, I'm sorry" Blaise's higher tone imitated Leona's voice. He gained a slap in the back of his head by Leona, and chuckles from me and Malfoy.

"What's up with her?" Draco whispered to me, nodding towards giggling Leona. "She just assumed something very stupid and been like this since that" I said, taking my time to choose my words so Leona wouldn't get any more wrong ideas about me and Malfoy. "Fine, don't tell me then" the blonde raised his hands in surrender and leaned back on the couch.

"You know guys these first almost two months has been the best time I've ever had in Hogwarts" Leona said looking at each of us, her gaze lingering on Blaise the longest. I was really going to consider the chance of her being drunk at this point.

"Always so dramatic" I said and rolled my eyes amusedly. "And emotional" Malfoy continued my sentence. What she said made me think of this years beginning. It had really been quite good, even though I had spent most of the time with Malfoy and Zabini, alongside with Leona of course. The positive side of spending time with these boys was that it would always piss off Pansy, which was one of my favourite things to do, so I couldn't say that the beginning of the year had been awful.


I felt something touching my hair carefully as I slowly blinked my eyes open. The room was quiet, only the sound of steady heartbeat and calm breathing reached my ears. It took me quite a time to realise where I even were. I slowly lifted my head, turning my gaze towards the only sound I heard. I soon realized that I was still in the common room, on the same couch I was with earlier, though Leona wasn't there anymore. Neither was Blaise.

"What-?" I asked, my voice quiet as I had just woken up. The common room was empty, not a single person was in the direction I was currently looking. "Morning darling" someone said, right behind my ear. I quickly moved to the side to see who was behind me. Malfoy.

"Damn it Diggory, It was almost ready" Draco complained as I had pulled away. He had a faked sad expression written on his face before his lips curled up into a smirk. Tens of questions rolled trough my mind. Why was I still there? Why was I there with Malfoy? What was almost ready?

"What are we still doing here?" I asked, completely ignoring his latest statement. "You fell asleep dummy. I was just polite enough not to move when you practically used me as a human pillow" he said, quietly that you could almost think it was a whisper. "Oh" I let out, feeling bit embarrassed that I had just slept on Malfoy.

"Can you lean back down please?" The blonde asked and put a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back closer him. "What? No- why?" I almost stood up from the couch, planning to head straight to my bed, when curiosity held me back. "I was braiding your hair, but as stupid as you are you moved your hair too far away. What a selfish thing to do" Draco said, rolling his eyes, though there was a small amount of amusement in his voice. "You just can't deal with the fact that you aren't the best at everything?" I chuckled, remembering how he had asked me how to even make a braid earlier. "Why should I? If there's an option to be the best in everything, I'll take it. Not that there would be a lot of things I can't do already, I'm a natural" Draco stated and shrugged. "Sure. Whatever you say Malfoy" I answered to his self centered comment.

I sat up straight, turning my head to watch the empty common room once again. There wasn't a fire in the fireplace anymore, someone had probably set it off as a prank or as committing a dare. Without the fire warming up the room, the coldness of the dungeons had reached the slytherin common room as well.

I must have shivered or looked like I was freezing to death, since Malfoy took off his robe, wrapping it carefully around me. I had left my own robe in our dorm, and were now using only the white shirt I used under it, with a silver-green tie wrapped around my neck. I turned to look at the boy next to me, my eyes finding his only seconds later. He grinned as I automatically pulled his robe better on me.

Draco's grey eyes were still staring mine as I tried to find out what he was thinking - and what I was thinking. Something about him just made me stay there, not going to my own bed. "Speechless, are we now?" He asked as his grin grew and his eyebrows raised slightly. "You're such a jerk" I said, pullin his robe even better on me than it was already. "Come on admit it, you don't even want to go to your dorm" his teasing voice found my ears. "You know what? Maybe I don't" I said back, trying to sound as much casual as I could when my heart was almost pounding out of my chest. I leaned back on him, my head on his chest and his hand coming to hold my waist protectively. I closed my eyes and leaned more on Draco, finding the slight scent of him comforting before I drifted back to sleep.

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