Chapter 1

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Why the words we don't say ends up feeling the heaviest? But I thought it would be fine for me, I was never good at telling people how I feel. Even when my mother was lying on her deathbed and I could feel her mouth crooked into a small smile, I couldn't tell her how much I hate her, how much I've waited for that day to come, how much I was tempting to be free. When she looked at me and said, "I've always loved you, Eira" I could help but hold her hands.

Heavy Lies.
You're lying.
You don't love me.
You never did.

You treated me like I'm a burden, you treated me like a shit because all you ever cared is for your 3rd divorced husband and his money. I tired my best to be someone important to you but you never ever spared a glance at me, you never sang me lullabies to sleep. You can't say you loved me, you can't expect to have a special place in my heart when I was just a means of sympathy to you for showing others!

"I'm sorry but she couldn't make it" the doctors informed as I waited outside the operation theatre. Bunch of cries were heard. I said nothing but quietly moved from the place when I felt a hand on my shoulders

"You must be shock, live with me from now"

"You're not my dad, don't try to act like one" I said and left the hospital. Those words from their mouth feels like knives gently cutting me like a butter. I don't trust them. Two faced bastard. I have seen enough perverts like him in my mother's life.

I'm sick of all this.
I'm sick of being a celebrity's daughter.
I'm sick of their filthy touch.
I'm sick of those mourning noises from my mother's room
I'm sick of life.

I... shall I just die...?

I looked around to see myself near a bridge. I lost my path while thinking and this sucks, I need to return home.


Yeah, I guess now all the 50 million property is mine. Life is never peaceful, huh? That much will be enough to live my whole life with luxury but I doubt it will be so easy. Little Fate will never be satisfied with my happy life.

I went towards the metal bridge and looked at the ocean below. It's dark. It looks to beautiful in the daytime and now it feels like Satan's huge bedroom.

"Should I pay a visit?" I muttered, smirking as I leaned forward when I heard someone shouting.

"Hey! Stop! Don't jump!" I can't see the person's face clearly since he is coming from far but I can sense that he was shouting at me

"Don't jum-" He tripped, "Ow!"

"Are you alright?" I shouted from there and went to him

"Argh! Do I look alright to you? My knees hurt!"

"Well, I guess they would have been fine if you didn't act like a cheesy knight" I replied, looking at his face. His complexion is good, Male lead vibes! Cool

"But you were going to jump!"

"Who said I was?"


" weren't?" Now why does he looks a little disappointed, or maybe embarassed?

"Rich people doesn't need to die, they need to kill" I smirked as he stared at my face. Is he checking me out? I'm pretty, I know -not more than the bully in my university but still.

"You're rich?"

"I'm THE Eira Franchot" I replied

"Uh... I'm...a...Hayes Iverson..."

", I mean I'm THE Eira, you didn't see me on television? I'm the daughter of the famous actress, Roselyn Franchot "

"OH! Oh yeah, I heard about her! So, why is the famous celebrity's daughter wandering around in empty bridge at night?"

"My mom, she died today "

"I-I am sorry to hear that..."

"Nah, one less bitch in the world" I shrugged, "I'm just here to feel the fresh air"

"You aren't sad?"

"Why should I be? I can't stop anyone from dying, can I? It was in her fate"

"I see, you didn't have a good relation" he took a deep breath, "problems of famous people, I can never relate"

"Are you poor? I can give you money if you want"

"I can eat poors for breakfast, who do you think I am?" Sharp eyes looked straight into mine, they were green, they were beautiful

"Pfft- what? That was so lame" This dude is intresting, "I didn't mean to make you mad"

He averted his gaze and went to the same spot near the bridge where I was standing, and looked into the ocean. I joined him.

"It's peaceful here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is" I replied "shouldn't you go back to your home? Your family must be waiting "

"I don't have such things...either"


"Never existed "

"Oh...." I replied, it was silence again. If it wasn't for me, I would have been comfortable with the silence

"What about you? What about your dad?"

"He went to Egypt with his new wife to rot inside the pyramid" I laughed. I still have memories of him tho, I liked him. He was kind to me.

"That's sad..."

"I've my 2 step-dads tho" I shrugged, "no worries, they are more of a burden anyways "

"TWO?! WHAT IN THE LEFTOVER PIZZA IS WRONG WITH YOUR FAMILY?!" He almost shouted as I rolled my eyes

"It's not that uncommon, anyone WITH a family must know that" I replied, it came pretty harsh but it's his fault for being so dumb. It's common in New York.

"Haha yeah...I wouldn't know then" he smiled and looked back at the ocean again, "the world is too big to be alone tho"

"You look like you live well..."

"Of course I do, I've a job and I earn well"

"Oh, that makes sense" Silence again. God, I'm hating this. Why everything is so awkward? Why can't I make small talks? Why this guy looks pretty lame to me now? Was it been reading too much smut novels that normal guys appears to be lame now??

"I should go now" I said, yes, better to live then rot in the awkwardness. But he didn't reply back, not that I waited for his reply. We are just strangers anyways. He was still staring at the ocean so I just silently started walking on the way back.

I had a lot in my mind, who knew I could even have jumped from the bridge if it wasn't for him. Is this what happens when you try to die before your appointed time? I'm not so punctual so I wouldn't know but I guess I should go and have dinner

"Will be happy fresh oysters today" I giggled and left the dark area.

Pretty jerk! I even forgot what I was worrying about in a happy day like this!

But I did remember his name. It wasn't my first time hearing it. He has the same name as my childhood favourite story character.

Hayes Iverson, was it?

* * *

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