"hijo donde estas" my mother asked me.        (Son where are you?)
"De camino a casa ¿por que?" I uttered between clenched teeth as Ilias drove into a sharp turn and I banged my left arm on the seat.   (On the way home why?)

No doubt he did it extra, which made me glare at him.

"hijo, ¿qué pasa? Estás herido?" my mother asked me worried. (Son, what's up? Are you hurt?)

"I'm fine mom, I'll be there in 10 minutes." I answer her.

"Okay, your father and I are waiting here, we need to talk." she said seriously this time and hung up.


When I got home, the first thing I did was let Pablo treat me.

"May I ask how that happened?" Pablo asked me with a smile on his face.

Because otherwise I'm always very careful on missions and always come back safely. I can't remember the last time I came back with a gunshot wound.

"You can ask, but whether you get an answer is another..- ugh, shit you can be a little more careful." I hissed out.

"Lo lamento, I'm almost done."   (Im sorry)

As if all of this wasn't enough, Ilias stepped into the room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to see how my best friend is doing after the injury." he said smiling and sat down on the chair that was in the corner.

"I'm fine, you can go." I glared at him.

'No' he shook his head, still smiling at me.

"You know, you're lucky it's your left shoulder and not your right. I mean, how else are you supposed to jerk off." he started laughing, which made Pablo laugh too.

I snarled out angrily, "When I'm done here, you'll wish it was the right one."

"Ilias, can you tell me how our Don managed to get injured after a long time and you didn't?" Pablo asked teasingly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Ilais, and continued speaking without letting Pablo answer.

"First of all, I don't always come back hurt..." he started which made me and Pablo laugh.

"Okay, maybe but our don here forgot the first rule of fighting your opponent." Ilias finished his sentence.

"Which is?" Pablo asked and looked over at Ilias which I did the same.

"Never turn your back on your opponent."

Pablo looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"In my defence, I had no way of knowing that one of the men wouldn't respond to the gas." I said, shrugging and hissing straight out.

"Aha, I would have said that too. Just admit that you didn't listen during the meetings and that you miscounted when organizing the gas bombs." indignant Ilias.

To which I glared at him in response and considered which of the many options to kill a person I could use this time.

"Okay, done." were the only words that made me jump up and charge at Ilias.

"Hey, hey I didn't mean that WAIT." he brought out laughing while also jumping up and running to the other corner of the room.

Pablo's hand on my right shoulder, however, made me stop.

"Reyes wait save that for later even if your right shoulder isn't restricted right now it could pull jerky movements into your left and then I have to sew it all up again and I don't feel like redoing it."

"Listen to your doctor, I mean we don't want you to hurt yourself again." Ilias said while trying to hide a grin.

With a final angry look in the direction of Ilias, I turned to the door and headed towards the living room where my parents were surely waiting for me.

"You're like little children." I heard Pablo say before I turned the corner and saw my mother sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine through the door of the living room.

"hijo ahí tu-" my mother started her sentence, but stopped after she saw the bandage around my shoulder and immediately got up to walk towards me. (Son there you-)

"What happened?" she asked me and pressed lightly on my wound, which made me contract my face in pain and I looked at her in bewilderment.

"uhhh sorry" she said then. Which made my dad laugh.

"Mi vita, it's just a gunshot wound, nothing special has healed. The only thing that matters is that he's still alive." He managed to grin and my mother slapped his arm.

"Cómo puedes decir eso" she asked him, stunned. (How can you say)

"We still live in a mafia family, actually you should be used to one of us coming home injured." he said while looking up at her from his place on the sofa.

"I'm still a mother and still have the right to care for my son even if I married into a mafia family." she replied with a glare.

"I know, and that's exactly what I love about you, but-" my father was about to say something but my mother interrupted him.

"No buts, there are no buts. Period." my mother finish the sentence for him.

I watched it all with a small smile and sat down on the sofa across from my father who is being scolded by my mother.

"Mum, it's okay, relax. I'll get through it. You wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked and immediately noticed how nervous she was and looked down at my father.

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