Your little star earrings stood out in a good way as you placed on a matching necklace, you admired yourself in the mirror for a moment before seeing something in your peripheral vision. Turning your head around Queen summoned behind you ready to attack.

Only for it to be Diego eating an apple on your bed "Oh hello Diego, how have you been?" you asked as you went back to your mirror "When do you think will be my turn to have an extraordinary date with you?" He asked as he finished his apple "I don't know, maybe next time?" you asked as you sprayed perfume.

A small 'Hmm...' was heard as he continued to watch you doll yourself up, you got up from your spot and made your way inside your closet. Diego lost sight of you as you went deeper into the smaller room, he grumbled to himself before a small dinosaur appeared. Comforting him before running into the closet to where you were.

A small gasp caught his attention before you came back into his view, now holding his minion and a pair of platformed shoes "You know, I still find it weird that you're unaffected when it comes to using your stand" you said as you lightly scratched the dino.

You sat on the edge of the bed, and as you placed the little dinosaur down, it began to try and prevent you from putting on your shoes "Hey!" you scolded the little prehistoric lizard from taking your shoes "Are you ready Miss (Y/n)?" Kira asked as he saw you place something under your blanket.

"Yeah, I'm just putting my shoes on!" he stared at you for a moment before nodding, he stood by the door as you put on your remaining shoe. Once you were done you got up and motioned Diego to follow you. Kira held back as you and Diego went down the stairs, Quickly Killer Queen emerged and threw the blanket up only to see a pillow.

Once downstairs you managed to gather everyone around "Alright I and Pucci will be back, There's food in the fridge ready to eat, I have my phone so you can call me for emergencies only" you said, causing someone to huff in disappointment.

Pucci was already by the door with what seemed like a picnic basket, he wasn't wearing his usual outfit but rather a nice fitting sweater and dress pants "Alright everyone we'll be back!" you said as you waved the group of villains goodbye, some waving bye back, others grumbling to themselves.

The car stopped as you took out the key from the ignition, you turned to the white-haired priest with a small smile "Are you ready to go?" he asked seeing your excitement, getting the basket out you both began your journey to find the perfect spot.

Seeing how children ran around you both opted to eat further away from the water, luckily you saw a tree in the distance. A perfect spot for you both, not so far from the water but enough to be left alone so you both decided that the shade underneath the tree would be best for your lunch.

The white-haired man placed the stripped blanket down as you placed the basket of mystery items in the center. You both sat down on the blanket before a blanket of silence landed on you both, "Let's see what you packed~" you teased as you opened the basket, truth be told Pucci himself didn't know what was in it. Having Kira and the others take control over that as he and you got ready.

"Do you think we should pack napkins?" Diego asked as he took one of the many apples that were in the basket "Of course we shall" Valentine said as he placed more than plenty "Move the damn grapes, otherwise the sandwiches won't fit." Kira said as he pushed past the two other blondes, Dio and Diavolo sat at the table observing them arguing over whether they should put in water bottles or juice boxes.

"I hope this ends well." the pink-haired man said with his arms crossed "Trust that my successor will get his place secured with her" Diavolo scoffed at the vampire's words "And what makes you so positive?" Dio looked back at the smaller man "He hasn't let me down in the past, what makes you think he will in the future?"

You both saw an array of food and snacks, a lot more apples than you imagined but who were you to judge the priest, you smiled at him as you brought out many of the foods and placed them neatly onto the stripped blanket.

"Let's eat then!"

You and Pucci lay on the blanket, for what seemed like hours. Talking about anything that came to mind, most of the food eaten "That is my reasoning for doing what I do..." you said as the priest simply listened to your every word, silence followed after, neither you nor the priest said anything for a while.

"Let us take a walk" he said as he sat up, quickly you nodded, and you both packed up what was left from your picnic before putting the basket itself into your car, as you both walked down the path into the woods once again, you felt at peace.

Unlike Dio, Pucci had a more trustful aura around him. You felt your guard go down as you both walked side to side without a word being spoken, the laughter of children rang in the distance as you both emersed in each other's presence.

"Thank you, Pucci, for everything you have done to help me" you said as you walked alongside him, the sweet songs of birds chirped away as you shyly confessed to the man next to you "It's only appropriate Miss (Y/n), afterall it's not common to have someone with such a pure heart" he said as he turned toward you, stopping in his trails with you not far after.

He tucked a piece of hair that was loose behind your ear, and a light feeling blossomed in your heart again as he chuckled at your now crimson face. You both laughed, making the awkwardness go away quickly.

"I know I keep saying the same things over and over again but I'm being completely honest with you Pucci-" the priest held his hand up, causing you to shut your mouth "Please call me Enrico" You smiled at him before nodding "Enrico, I'm extremely grateful to have you here with me"

The long-forgotten feeling emerged again inside him, looking into your (E/c)ed eyes he seemed lost in them, he began searching for some type of falseness but he didn't find any, only the truth.

You on the other hand were just as lost in his brown eyes "I am more than happy to be here with a pure person like yourself (Y/n)" He said as he grabbed your hand and brought it up to his smooth lips, maybe, just maybe you could be the one thing that makes him consider breaking his celibacy and obedience to his Lord.

"I'm glad Enrico Pucci"

Hey Y'all!

How are you guy's doing? :)

Have any of you also been sucked into the new growing fandom of Welcome Home?


(My fave is Wally <3)

Anyways, Don't forget to ask questions for the Q&A!!!

Have a good Day/Night :D

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