When she finally saw her King he was waiting in the long hallway leading to the gardens. Where he'd worn his helmet he now wore her father's crown and he was cleaned up and dressed in a white satin tunic. Upon seeing the Queen he smiled at her warmly.

"What is going on, Archer?" Viola asked having expected to meet him in their chambers.

"Let me show you," he whispered reaching for Viola's hand and gently leading her towards the gardens. Viola had many questions, but right now didn't seem like the right time so she simply followed the King.

The sun had just begun setting, painting the beautiful garden in a warm orange light. Viola had only now realized how much she missed being outside.

She'd barely gotten a glimpse of the garden when Archer turned to her and held both of her hands. "Close your eyes, Viola." His voice was soft and sweet like honey.

Viola searched his eyes for a moment before doing as she was told. She could feel the King gently pulling her hands along, leading her to wherever he was trying to take her. She'd felt uneasy at first but the King directed her into the garden, over every branch, past every pebble, up every stairs so patiently that she soon felt safe in his guidance. He took his time, softly whispering her small warnings about obstacles. 

Hearing the sound of water fade behind her Viola knew that they'd gone past the fountain, before finally coming to a halt. Judging by her sense of direction Viola was fairly sure that they were close to the large open meadow leading all the way to the walls of the castle in the back pasrt of the gardens.

"Open your eyes."

Viola blinked, trying to figure out what the King wanted to show her. She'd been right about the meadow. She looked around it finding small white patches of flowers that seem to be growing out of every corner.

Confused Viola took a few steps into the meadow. She leaned down by the flowers, recognizing them.

"Sword Lilies," The King spoke Viola's thoughts. Viola looked over to the next patch of flowers. More Sword Lilies. Her eyes widened as she realized that the whole meadow was filled with them. Their long stems had begun opening small white flowers, with many more to grow.

"You used them to remember your previous guard when we first met." Viola got up starting to think that these flowers were not here by coincidence.

"Did you have them planted?" Viola asked trying to confirm her thoughts.

"Yes, and I will deny ever having said this if you breathe a word of what I'm about to say to anyone but," he slipped his hand into hers softly. "These are here in memory of your parents."

An image of her father smiling peacefully flashed through Violas mind. 

Viola tightens her grip on the king's hand, marveling at the flowers that had only just begun to bloom all around the field. "Thank you, Archer. I appreciate it." 

It truly touched Viola that he'd remembered something so small and used it remember her father by. 

None of this would make up for the fact that her father was no longer here but she'd decided to live in the moment like he'd taught her, and right now this gesture meant something to her.

Viola slowly slipped her hand out of the Kings and began making her way through the field while Archer followed her. The wind made her dress dance graceously. To Archer, she looked almost angelic in the golden light of the sunset. 

Viola knelt down by some of the flowers gently stroking their petals.

"It's come to my attention that you've been helping out in the kitchen." The king's voice was emotionless and Viola had already assumed that she would get in trouble for it, but had hoped to get away with it while the King was gone.

"Well I wasn't allowed in the garden," she began but Archer cut her off.

"I wanted to be there."

Viola looked over her shoulder not understanding what he meant. 

"When you see the flowers bloom for the first time, I mean."

Viola smiled at the King who seemed a bit embarrassed by his own words.

"Are you crossed with me?" Viola asked trying to use the King's good mood, which seemed to fade the moment she asked. 

Archer walked over to where Viola sat and spread out on the grass folding his arms behind his head as he looked at the sky.

"I feel like I should be."

"Why's that, Archer?"

"I like that."

Their eyes met, "I like it  when you call me by my name."

Viola watched the King's hair flutter around his face from the wind as he smiled at her. "Quit changing the subject," Viola laughed feeling a little helpless.

"So why do you feel you should be crossed with me?" Viola asked after a moment.

"Because giving you the freedom to speak to others gives you power. Power that I shouldn't give you."

Viola let the words sink in before she laid down on the gras on her side looking straight at the King whos eyes mirrored the sky. "I don't know if you've caught on but I'm not much of a fighter," Viola joked.

"You've got that right. You're more of a lover, I'd say." The King mocked her.

Archer marveled at the sky which portrayed a beautiful continuous color flow of oranges, reds, purples, and blues, while Viola marveled at the King with the same amount of fascination. There was something so warm about him. So kind. Something that she haden't been able to see very often. 

Breaking out of her gaze Viola spoke, "So will you let me go back to the kitchen."

"I'd be a fool, wouldn't I?"

Viola averted her eyes. Was just a little bit more freedom too much to ask for?

"But I will be a fool for you if that's what you wish of me," the King whispered under his breath. 

The forsaken PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now