"So, some or the other way, each one of you can know a person's presence," I said to which Yoongi nodded.

"So, do you allow Jungkook to read your mind?"

"I don't. He is a nosy person. We demons can control our privacy. So, if Jungkook ever peeps into my mind, I can understand, because I can know a person's presence, him entering my mind is like someone entering through me, and as a result, I get goosebumps, and thus I punish him by pinching on his ear," said Yoongi as he threw a pebble to the lake.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"So, I just wanted to ask you; do you think I came here by mistake?"

Yoongi didn't reply instantly. He took a sip of his coffee as he looked at me.

"I don't. Everything happens for a reason and a need. Probably someone entered our department and messed up. Because, when you were teleported to here, someone has gone there. That's how a teleportal works. When someone goes, something comes in return," he said.

"I am afraid that did make some sense. But who could go?"

"If I am not wrong, a demon spirit, because all the CCTV's blackened out when the teleport happened. Maybe for a purpose. Maybe for a need to tell something to their descendants," he said sipping on the last bit of his tea.

"Have you told this to the others?"

"I did. But I never had the time alone to tell you," said Yoongi to which I nodded.

We stood there for a while. Yoongi holding his empty cup and viewing the mountains and me looking at the fishes while holding my half-empty cup.

"I will see you this evening, I am guessing Jimin is staying with you today," said Yoongi as he began walking to the door.

"Why Jimin?"

"Jungkook usually likes to work before weekends, Jimin doesn't. Taehyung also rarely takes holidays. Those donkeys skipped work yesterday for a blind date," said Yoongi.

I giggled to which Yoongi smiled.

"Jimin is fun to stay with, for me, no; because I like peace, he is the polar opposite," he said to which I nodded.

"I think breakfast is ready, I could smell the fried bacons and eggs from here," said Yoongi sniffing as I giggled.

"I will be joining you guys, give me five minutes," I said to which Yoongi nodded and left.

I resumed admiring the beauty of nature.

The red sky suddenly clouded up which I didn't notice as I was talking to Yoongi. A chilly breeze flew around the environment and even though I only have been in this world for two days, I could say it was going to rain.

I finished up my tea as I got back inside.

I raced to the kitchen as I reached the door to pull back.


"Good morning sweetie," said Jungkook.

He was looking very formal. All black. He wore a black turtle neck top and topped it with a black suit and black trousers which were not too tight nor too loose. His hair slicked to the side. A thin silver chain could be seen around the turtle's neck. In conclusion, sexy and fresh.

"Good morning, Kook," I greeted back as we entered the kitchen together.

The kitchen was a combination of a dining room and a kitchen. As though everyone comes to a place and chats, where even the cook, Jin can be a part of the chat.

I joined with Jin in transferring the food-filled bowls and plates to the dining table as Hoseok cleaned the washed plates and Jimin dried the wet plates while Yoongi put the plates on the table. Jungkook and Namjoon helped in placing the cutleries as Taehyung placed napkins.

I couldn't help but allow the involuntary smile to creep into my face as warmth filled my chest.

It just feels full. I rarely had a family meal. Back when living with my mother, she would always have extra part-time jobs along with her actual job. She never wanted to at home to be exact. She says it haunted her. It always had been me with some fried egg and porridge.

Here, no matter, any meal, there is everyone present, for everyone, every time, no matter what time.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was pulled back to reality to realize I was almost going to cry.

I made my tear-brimming eye look up to see Jungkook giving me the cutest bunny smile as he cupped my cheeks.

"It's alright," he whispered with a smile.

He read my mind.

I smiled at him as we got seated at the dinner table, but now I had Jungkook beside me.

"Let's call it a morning?" asked Jin to which we all raised our orange juice and said yes in unison.

"I can already feel in my veins today is going to be a busy day," said Hoseok to which Namjoon agreed.

"I still have the same case," said Yoongi as he buttered his toast.

"The red demon spirits?" asked Jin to which Yoongi nodded.

"What are you going to do today Jungkook?" asked Jin.

"I am deciding on teaching them another play of Shakespeare," said Jungkook.

"Which one?" asked Namjoon.

"Macbeth," replied Jungkook to which everyone nodded.

"Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires," said Jungkook in a deep voice a line from Macbeth.

I am afraid that sounded just like how a narrator would do. So perfect.

"What about you Tae?" asked Jin.

"Big Bang Theory; Truth or Myth," replied Taehyung.

"And you Jimin?" asked Namjoon.

"I am going to chill with Y/n today, Demonflix and chill. And I don't know maybe drive around the corner?" said Jin to which everyone agreed except one.

I could see Jungkook's face crinkling up as I detected jealousy.

I mocked him to annoy him to which he clicked his tongue in annoyance as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"That is a great idea Jimin, Y/n must be bored just sitting here," said Yoongi.

"Though I have a bit of paper correcting," said Jimin.

"Yes! Also, it's going to rain, so you both should sit at home," suggested Jungkook.

"That is the fun part kookie, driving while raining with some street food is the best," said Jimin.

Jungkook slumped back to his seat knowing that nothing could now bring Jimin's decision back and everyone was on his side.

I couldn't help but giggle.

Today is going to be a day.


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