the start of a mafia

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Yana's POV:
After we moved school again my friends found a decent school but in order to prevent the last mistake we made we have to keep our mafia thing a secret

April 5 2023

When I first walked in my class 1Harmoni my eyes saw a guy who looks like some depressing kid and found a girl drawing something so I went to her table and saw that she was drawing a landscape, but I turn around and sat next to the door. The teacher made us introduce ourselves in groups while doing homework,since the girl I saw she was alone I wanted to asked her to join- 'Hey do you want to join us'wow she's not scared one bit if she doesn't know I'm a mafia but I agree and got to know them 'Ok so my name Kira and I'm good at art'Kira what a nice name but the other girl disturb my thoughts 'Hai my name is Damia it's nice to meet all of you'she said like I give a fuck about her then it was my turn "Hai my name is Yana I hope we can be good friends" I said with the best smile I can offer

Everything went normal like any other school until 2025.......( I'm lazy af)

Were now 16 years old and my cover was blown by some gang that I later found out is the white devil's gang.... My rival, at this point I have no choice but to ask Kira to join my gang for her safety

Kira's POV:

Yana told me to wait after school with our other friends to tell us something important so we waited after school at the place were supposed to meet up and after 10 minits Yana finaly came 'Is everyone here?' Looking everywhere to make sure no one was watching or listening tu our conversation 'Yeah everyone's here and Yana are you sure your ready to tell her? Ash ask while getting something from her bag and when she pulled out the thing it hit me their going to kill me with a gun and they all have it....

"Are you going to kill me" I trembled in fear not knowing what fate brought me is it to die, hold me hostage, or selling me to a guy.... But I notis something they were laughing at what I said just now 'No were not going to kill you or anything were because someone has something to say don't you think boss' Zahra said while putting a hand Yana's shoulder 'Kira there something you should know were a mafia gang called The Fallen Angel's and we need you to join our gang for your safety'...

Yana was handing me some documents and I was confused on what she was showing "What do you want to show me a bunch of pictures of me or the guy next to me in every single pic" I was still looking at the picture of me and the guy who apparently is in every single pic 'That guy is part of The White Devil's gang he's name is unknown to us but he kept following you for a long time now and we want to train you to defend yourself in case were not there so are you joining or not it's up to you'

I don't know if I should say yes or not because of my secret "Yes I'll join your gang because your my friends and when does training start?" I ask calmly waiting for my answer 'Training starts tomorrow night in our mansion we'll be moving tonight we have all your stuff ther so don't worry about your stuff you'll be getting rest since your training starts tomorrow' she handed me two daggers to protect myself in case of emergency

Time skip to the training:

When I first walked in to the gym I was terrified of what might happen here and didn't se anyone here so started my training by my self since I know self defense ever since I was a child so I practice for a 4 hours and notis their not here yet so I turn around and saw them looking at me in disbelief that I broke one of the punching bag " Im sorry about your guy's punching bag " I said while looking at the floor felling stopid for not waiting for their instruction.

Ash's POV:

I've never been so scared in my life because someone managed to destroy that thing and none of us could do that and she just did that like it was nothing"How the fuck did you do that none of us could do that without getting hurt"at this point I'm just going to be her student if I want to learn how to not get hurt or Nik will start a war for'why are we so clumsy' and lock us up so we don't get hurt in any way'Well I had some self defense class before so it's pretty easy if I say so myself' this girl is full of surprises but that's ok she is older than us since she was born on January 2nd

To be continued......
I'll post the next chapter maybe today
But don't get your hopes up

Im very lazy so there's going to be a lot of time skip🙃

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