thirty three

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haeyeon rose from her bed and walked to where the sound came from. who's throwing stones at this hour...

she walked closer and tiptoed slightly to see who it was and once she realised, haeyeon quickly opened her window

"what are you doing here... at this hour!?" whisper shouting, she looked at the clock beside her bed and then back to him

"what can i say.. i missed you" jaemin said, one hand hanging onto the tree branch and the other next to the window panel

"are you crazy ?! hyuck's room is right next to mine.. what if he sees you?!!"

"then you should probably let me in before hyuck comes to the window to check.. you do know that he's a light sleeper right.."

moving out of the way, jaemin climbed in, taking off his shoes before stepping onto her floor

"oh cold floor..."

placing a pair of bedroom slippers on the floor, next to him, "put them on or you'll catch a cold.."

jaemin smiled, hugging her from behind. his arms snaked around her waist as his chin rested on her shoulder

"i really really missed you princess.."

"but you were just here a few hours ago.. it hasn't been that long"

she felt as his body buzzed with vibration

"noo it's been a long time... i only saw you when i excused myself to the toilet.. the boys thought i had a loose stomach or something"

haeyeon turned her head sideways as her arms held onto his, "is that why you're here now.. to see me again? you clingy baby"

"hey... i'm not a baby, you are" jaemin swiftly turned her body and carried her bridal style

wrapping her arms around his neck in a haste, she squealed. "put me down.." she kicked her legs in the air but to no avail

jaemin threw her on the bed as bubbles of soft laughter filled the air. "you said to put you down.. and i did..."

and before he knew it, a pillow came flying towards his face, and it hit him. "ahh.. not my beautiful face..."

"well that doesn't mean that you can throw me on the bed right..." haeyeon pouted as she sat up, legs crossed

"you're right i should have jumped on the bed too..." jaemin smirked, getting ready to jump but was interrupted when a knock came through the door

knock knock..!

both of their eyes widened as they stopped in their tracks and silence filled the air

"yeon.. are you awake? why is there noise coming from your room??" haechan's voice echoed from behind the door

haeyeon cursed under her breath as she lifted the blanket and motioned to jaemin to hide under the covers

jaemin quickly kicked his shoes under the bed and pounced onto the extremely soft mattress

"whatever happens, don't move" she whispered to her boyfriend, pulling up the covers up to her chin

knock knock..

"yeon? are you ok? i'm coming in"

shit, is my luck that bad..

oh my goodness.. this cannot be happening...

with some swift thinking, haeyeon whipped out her phone and turned on a random drama, stuffing her earphones in her ears

her eyes focused on the screen in front of her, but she couldn't hear the words of the drama, only the sound of her nervous thumping heart

the door opened as a half-awoken haechan appeared, rubbing his eyelids softly. "hmm? yeon you're still awake?"

haeyeon's eyes flickered towards her twin, and pulled out her earphones

"ahh sorry hyuckie, i was just watching a drama. i thought that it will be too loud if i didn't use earphones... but it seems i've already woken you, sorry"

he yawned, "ohhh it's okay, just don't stay up too late, we have school tomorrow"

"rest well yeon, goodnight" haechan said before turning around and leaving

"ahh goodnight hyuckie...."

she waited until she could hear his door close and then the squeaking of his bed when he climbed before she could heave a sigh of relief

her heart thumped really hard in her chest as she brought the covers over her head

underneath, jaemin placed a hand over his mouth and his eyes looked up at her

"he went back.. you can come out now jaem.." she said as jaemin snuggled upwards till his head reached the pillow

they lay facing each other

"well that was close..." he said, jaemin's face just inches away from hers

haeyeon pouted, hitting him on the chest lightly. "yah.. you caused this. now my heart can't stop beating"

he raised an eyebrow, "is it beating because of just now's incident.... or is it because of me?"

jaemin's hand grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him in one swift move

and just like that, haeyeon thought her heart wasn't able to beat any faster, but it just did. "are you going to sleep.. here with me?"

"do you not want me to? but even if you wanted me to go, this mattress is too comfy. my body doesn't want to leave" he smiled at her, tucking a stray strand behind her ear

haeyeon hugged him back, her fingers tugging on the strands of his fluffy hair. "fine... but just this once okay.."

"and what if i say.. i'll do this often hmm?"

"then i'll lock my windows so you can't climb in" haeyeon chuckled which made him pout

"why so mean princess.. ok ok enough of that, i wanted to ask you, to eat lunch with us from now on. i want to see your face more often"

bubbles of laughter exploded from her chest

"i think i see you more than i see hyuckie... although i haven't seen you much these past weeks"

jaemin knew she was talking about how he ignored her because he was too afraid to face his feelings

"i know... and i'm sorry princess. i'll make it up to you, i promise"

"you sure?"

"mmhm, i always keep my promises"

many of you have been asking me to update! so here i am, i hope you enjoy lovelies💘💘😍

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many of you have been asking me to update! so here i am, i hope you enjoy lovelies💘💘😍


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