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A few things before we start. Y/n will not be yandere right away I will gradually get into the more yandere themes as the story goes on I will not just dive right in.

Size of chapter: Long sort of backstory/filler chapter. 

WORDS: 2.6k


"Y/n!" His sister came out of nowhere; Y/n however wasn't startled. "Cassandra." He glanced over to where his sister had popped out. "Aww. How come you're never scared." A laugh escaped their mother's lips. "He's used to it by now dear." The older woman answered. Y/n was a man of few words, never saying much more than what needed to be said. A small smiled rested on the woman's face, Y/n sending a brief one before gazing off to the crowd below. The Scouts had just gotten back and looked pretty beaten up. Y/n wasn't startled by this in the slightest.

"Oh, those poor people." Their mother had a heart of gold, always worrying about others. His father was a kind man give and never asking for anything in return. So why did Y/n seem so off. His eyes met those of a few soldiers most looked dead, scared, broken. Why? The crowd below wasn't very impressed by their return, obviously worried more about themselves. Y/n just stared as his sister and mother while they spoke about how great the Scouts were. Y/n wasn't particularly interested in any of their conversation. He didn't care, turning on his heal he entered the house heading to his room. A smile finally lit up his face as he noticed a jacket hanging on a chair nearby.  He had been looking for that, grabbing it he laid down.



Y/n jolted awake. His ears filled with the sound of screams. Y/n got up walking out into the living room; or what used to be the living room. A large foot now replaced what used to be the living room. The foot left as quick as it had come. Leaving Y/n to stare blankly at the bloody splotches on the ground, unrecognizable corpses laid there. Who's family had died? Y/n looked around looking for his own. Running in the general direction of the gate leading into wall rose.

A titan ran beside him, not chasing him but more like running with him. Though it was more of a slowed walk to the tall beast. Y/n ignored this heading straight ahead as the gate was about to close sliding under it quickly before continuing to run. Why? He wasn't sure either. He was one of the last on the boat. He was covered in blood though he did not know how that happened. How'd they even get in? He would find himself wondering that for a long time.

Y/n punched the tree, cuts now lining his fist. A strangled cry fell passed his lips. His mother, his sister, his father, he couldn't find them. Did that mean that they were dead? Slumping against the tree, Y/n rested his forehead on his arm, he let more tears fall. No. They were at home hiding waiting for him to save them. And he will even if he has to kill everything in his path.

--------------------------Two Years Later---------------------------------

Standing in straight lines were the cadets. They were getting an ear full from a complete asshole. "Hey! Moptop!"
"What do they call you maggot?" The question was directed to a blonde with shoulder length hair, he looked like he needed to lie down. "Armin Arlelt from Shiganshina sir." The boy replied. Y/n looked straight ahead not even glancing at the the man as he passed by a few people before picking on someone else. However Y/n did take notice of two men over watching the whole thing from a distance. Where were they headed? No clue.

"The only thing the King has for your life and limbs are as Titan fodder." Harsh, but whatever had to be said to make them into good soldiers. "Hey, cue-ball. You're up next!" He called onto another cadet. Y/n droned out most of what he said, main focusing on the backwards hand placement. "You have it backwards, Conny Springer." Obviously the man noticed. "That was the first thing you were taught. The salute represents the resolve in your heart to fight those bent on the systematic destruction of our people! Is your heart on your right side?" He asked aggressively holding the man in the air. A loud chewing sound was heard through out the otherwise silent yard. Everyone's heads turning in the direction. Y/n rolled his eyes but turned to look none the less. Conny was dropped to the ground with a thud, the commander now turning his attention to the female holding a potato. "Hey, you there. What do you think you're doing?" The man asked the girl ignored and bit another bite out of the potato. "You are officially on my shit list. Just who in the hell are you?" Back to the yelling. "Sasha Braus from Dauper village at your service. Reporting for duty, sir!" Y/n didn't really pay attention for the rest of the time. Parting ways to go and run while everyone headed inside. Y/n was accompanied by the potato girl. However, he was running laps around her.

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