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To say Y/n got his ass handed to him would be an understatement. He was down in under a minute. As soon as he was on the ground he was laughing causing a few gazes. A few of them giggled at his placement on the ground. "Ha- I really got my ass handed to me didn't I." He spoke it as more of a statement than a question; still laughing. "Cadet Y/l/n." The commandant addressed before walking away toward Sasha and Conny who were slacking off.


The group at dinner were talking about whatever they wanted. Jean boasted about how good he was at ODM gear even though Y/n was really close to taking his spot. "That's how you conserve fuel. Let your momentum do the work for you." Jean spoke to Marco who looked dumbfounded. "Still, that's pretty advanced." Marco spoke his eyes making their way to Y/n's a small smile light up his face. "Duh. It's called having a sixth sense for the finer points of your gear. You gotta do the strut if you wanna make the cut. The MP only recruit the best." Jean continued causing Y/n to roll his eyes. The MP was for cowards. Who would even want to go into the MP? Certainly not Y/n. Y/n hadn't even realized he was staring at Jean until he had made eye contact, causing Y/n to look away. "Listen to you guys. Interior? Five years ago, this was part of it." Eren spoke gaining Y/n's attention. "You got a point to make, friend? I'm right here." Jean spoke his eyes bore into the side of Eren's head. "Poor Jean. So misguided, and besides, I don't think your head would fit inside the interior anyway." Eren jabbed.

Stifled laughs erupted across the room at the joke. "Very funny." Jean spoke. Y/n sighed bored. "Drama queens." Y/n spoke standing gaining many of the cadet's attention. "I doesn't matter where he goes Eren, It's his choice. Why are you so pressed about it? Take your drama and go braid each others hair else where." Y/n stuffed his hands in his pockets before making his way to the door, making eye contact with Annie before exiting. He didn't care to listen to where the conversation was going to go.

He was out running and exercising for well over an hour. Eventually everyone had emptied out of the lunch room. Some of them saying goodnight and heading to bed. Y/n on the other hand wasn't even close to being tired. 

"Cadet Y/n, not tired?" The voice of his commandant gained his attention. "Not really."
"Over seven hours of sleep make a good soldier you should head to bed." Why did he care. "I get less than five hours of sleep and I'm the second most useful soldier. Sleep has nothing to do with it." Y/n took a sip of his water before standing. "But, if you insist, I'll go lay down." Y/n tapped the man on the shoulder walking to his room.

Jean sat in front of the door to the cabin, blocking Y/n's way. Who stopped a few feet away. "I didn't need your help earlier." He spoke standing tall even though he was shorter than Y/n. Jean has a blunt personality. He holds no restraint when it comes to speaking his mind, even when he knows it would not be wise to do so or when it could spark conflict. Which made him stupid. If he was going to go to the military police the conflict wouldn't even matter as he wouldn't see either Y/n or Eren. Yet the boy just didn't know when to shut his mouth. Y/n shrugged suddenly really 'tired'. "Don't ignore me. If I have conflict with someone I'll deal with it myself." He spoke glaring at the bored man in front of him. "I don't care what you do." With that Y/n went to walk passed him, Jean grabbed his arm, stopping him.

A small smile made it's way to Y/n's face. Just looking at the Jean had him staggering away. Y/n looked insane. The smile on his face wasn't friendly, it was threatening him to do something. "I- Just don't do it a-again. I fight my own battles." Jean stuttered over his words still a little creeped out. Y/n's smile turned into a lazy smirk, as he turned and entered the cabin. "Whatever you say Jean~." A teasing tone to his voice at the end of his name. Jean stood there for a minute before straightening up and following.

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