She slowly stopped crying, but she looked a little mad now, so I backed up. I still wanted to try and help her, so she might be able to help me... I need to force myself to talk.

Frisk-U-Um... Hey... I'm... I'm looking for a way out of here... My name is Frisk.

???-*Sniffle* Very well. This way.

She still didn't look happy, but she led me into her house and to a set of stairs from across the door. She led me to the beginning of the stairs before she walked back to the railing.

???-The door is at the end of the path.

Frisk-Thank you... Also, one more thing. I fell down here looking for my son. He's 6.

???-... Wait... What's his name?


???-... Of course, I saw him! Please, excuse my attitude. Bad day. My name is Toriel. I do have some news to share about him, so I would ask if you would have a seat with me.

She seemed happy now and she claims to know my son, so I followed her to the dining room, and she let me sit at the end of the table while she took the farthest seat. She offered water, but I wanted to get out of here with my son as soon as possible, so I politely declined.

Frisk-So what can you tell me about what happened to (Y/N) when he came through here? Do you know where he is going?

Toriel-He was simply an angel when he arrived, but... he did talk about you.

Frisk-He always was a mama's boy.

Toriel-He does seem to be... I thought I would help him, but he didn't want it and ran away. I have a friend looking for him for me. She didn't find him, yet. I did have time to think though.

Frisk-About what?

Toriel-About my old son... They were the cutest little boy in the kingdom, adored by all, loved by my family and me, but... he started to talk about other girls.

I started to wonder if she was gonna tell me about her bird and bees talk with her son for a moment, but the look on her face got dark.

Toriel-Running away from our love to try and get back to someone who lost him... It got him killed.

Frisk-Oh... Oh, I am so sorry.

Toriel-I made a promise when my life made some very drastic changes recently... My new son is going to love me, we will be going to the surface,... and I will move into his old home.

I started to get a bad feeling, so I stood up and she did the same and slowly walked to me, so I walked backward. She looked like she was only getting angrier by the second as fire came out of her hands.

Toriel-We will have a wonderful life together, he will never speak about any 'human' girls, and I will get rid of every trace of his horrible irresponsible mother, STARTING WITH YOU!!!

She threw fire at me, so I started to run as fast as I could to the stairs and jumped down some of the steps to get down faster. I could hear her running after me as I turned around the corner in the hall and saw a door.


The fire lit up the hall, but I made it to the door and closed it. I had to stop her from coming through this door or I would get set on fire in no time. I saw a pillar that looked like I could knock down if I took out what was left of its support. I got a big rock and hit the thinnest part of the pillar to chip away at it and then pushed it until it fell over. The door was blocked at just the nick of time before it cracked open before it was slammed shut by the pillar.

L.O.V.E. (Yandere Fem Undertale x Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now