Chapter 5

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Sebastian used my younger siblings as an excuse to walk me to my common room. He said it wasn't safe so I should let him walk me to be my body guard of sorts. We both know I was stronger then him.

"You really didn't have to walk me all the way to the door." He smiled at me as I turned to look at him.

"You feel safe though, right?" He asked, being cheeky.

"Very safe." I joked back.

The silence between us was comfortable but I wanted to hear his voice a little longer.

"Are you going to keep flirting like this?" I asked with a slight smile.

"Absolutely." He stated matter of fact. "If you didn't like it I wouldn't. But I know you do so I'm going to continue to do it."

"And how do you know I like it?"

He stepped closer to me, "just a feeling." He leaned forward leaned my head towards him softly with his hand and placed a soft kiss on the top of my head.

I stood there frozen by the interaction. When I leaned back he was blushing hard but he had a biggest grin. "See? I Can tell you liked that too."

"Oh, sh-shut up." I tried to cover my cheeks, but I was pretty sure it was obvious I was blushing.

"Well, I better let you get settled, classes for you start tomorrow." His hand that was still on my head slowly moved down lifted a lock of my hair and began twirling it around his finger. "Goodnight Ava. I hope you have good dreams."

And without saying anything else he walked away leaving me blushing and looking like a hot mess in the middle of the barrel entrance.


All night the kids in the common room stayed up talking about the fight. Poppy around 1 am had to go in to prefect mode and tell all the kids to go to bed before she got them in trouble.

I on the other hand never fell asleep. As soon as I heard Poppy's soft breathing I snuck out of bed and sat on one of the couches in the common room.

Sebastian had said my eyes started glowing red. I guess professor Weasley hadn't been being dramatic when she told the other teachers.

Suddenly a piece of cake on a small plate was in front of my face. Vanilla cake with chocolate whipped frosting. My favorite since childhood.

I side eyed Andre as he sat down. "I don't even want to know how you got in here."  I mumbled taking the slice and beginning to eat it.

"Sorry about earlier."

"You shouldn't act mean because Giselle is around."

Andre looked down at his feet, "I know."

We sat in silence for a moment. The clicking of the few clocks in the common room were comforting. Andre seemed mildly uncomfortable being in here. "This room too bright for you?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes actually." He smiled.

I used my hand and tousled his blind curls. "Sorry for hitting you with a spell."

"Eh it's ok, Giselle probably would have been suspicious."

Andre had always been a good boy. And my favorite of my siblings.  Giselle has just always had the personality of a person you wanted to impress. So he would do things to impress her and usually take the fall.

"Also maybe keep the twin thing down." Andre glanced at me as I finished the cake slice, "might be a sore subject for Sebastian."

"I was wondering why he would look at us so sadly."

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