Taehyung rubbed his head due to the smack received as he looked at me and whined:
"Y/n! If you think we are the troublemakers, it is not us! The actual culprit is the muscle pig!" said Taehyung pointing to Jungkook.

"Holy Mary, I agree to that," said Hoseok.

"Remember that one time he broke the grand balcony railing because he was trying to do a dumb exercise, he found on demongram," said Hoseok to which everyone roared in laughter.

"Also remember when he tried to feed a pig, another pig came from behind and kicked him into the pigpen, we could not stand next to him for a whole week," said Yoongi as everyone clutched their stomachs including me.

"Pigs Reunion" they all chorused as I could see legit steam coming out of Jungkook's head.

"Don't forget that time when a lady accidently fell on his chest, he went mental for two days," said Jimin.

"Remember also the time when an old lady smacked him because he didn't hear her because he was too busy scrolling through his phone?" said Jin.

Suddenly all laughter came to a stop when Jungkook stood up took his plate and went upstairs.

"I think we took it too far," said Namjoon.

"Yes I think too," said Taehyung.

I decided to lighten up the atmosphere by changing the subject.

"So, how can I get to the above world?"

"It's not usual, that a human comes to under world, though there have been incidents, we haven't told the authorities till now, but we will find a way to get you to your real world as soon as possible," said Namjoon with a nod.

"Y/n want more cabbage rolls?" asked Jin to which I nodded.

I couldn't help but say the underworld food is just as same as the above world, but also there are many differences and similarities.

"So, how did you guys meet?"

"Long story Y/n," said Yoongi.

"It all started when we four-;" said Jin pointing to Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. "-met at a college party, I was there serving drinks until morning and Hoseok was the star of the party. Namjoon had a birdie that time while Yoongles just came for the juice," said Jin.

"I didn't want to leave because the times I got as free time were really rare," said Hoseok.

"I was there because you know, that was the very day that birdie cheated on me and I was just there confused and depressed," said Namjoon.

"I think I slept there," said Yoongi as he slurped the noodle.

"Somehow we four were there left behind. And yeah, we started talking and realized none of us were like the factions we belonged to," said Jin.

"What about you guys?" I asked Jimin and Taehyung.

"We were friends from mid-school," said Taehyung.

"Then we met the hyungs during cram school. I was struggling with a concept in medicine, where Hoseok hyung helped me. I was crying at that moment because of how hard medicine was. And Taehyung wasn't there. Thus, Hoseok hyung took me for a drink, I got drunk. And he took me to their shelter where the next day Taehyung came up for me and I guess from there our friendship began," said Jimin.

"What about Jungkook?"

"Y/n, he might sound rude to you but don't misunderstand him, on the inside he is just a softie. He just had a bad past. We met him properly when he was in college where he was crying in a cafe. I was just there to have my daily dose of coffee before work and saw him having his down and crying," said Namjoon.

I couldn't help but be angry with myself for misunderstanding him.

"Anyways, let's call it a night?" asked Jin as he raised his root beer glass.

We all raised our glasses as we called it a night.

I helped Jin in cleaning the dishes as he talked about how his work was today.

"Y/n, if I am being honest with you, I won't mind you staying here forever," he said with a genuine smile.

"But how can you say, I came here just today,"

"I would say that we demons have good intuitions and are good at reading mortal minds," he said.

"Have you been to earth?"

"I am afraid, yes, but we mix with you people. Look at me except for ridiculous hair and eye colour, we pretty much look alike like you, guys. But I want to experience being a human. If it is a moment, then a moment. A minute, then a minute,"

"How can you be?"

"When the person above makes something that lives, it can be broadly put into three worlds, heaven, hell or earth. If heaven, angels and many others. Hell, then demons and many others. If earth, humans, and many others,"

"But isn't it said that angels who was despised by God were thrown to hell?"

"Quite right,"

"But the biology isn't connecting,"

Jin chuckled as he shook his head.

"We were just made. The person above is really powerful. There is nothing he can't do. As though, seven of us, we don't act like our factions, and you could call us mixed because we are told to have half-demon and half-angel parents. The irony is that, we seven are the only ones in hell with this mixed blood within us. As of the new law, children can be with their parents, unlike before. And that meant pure demons, and not us. Since we are mixed, we haven't seen our parents,"

"But Jung-"

"Jungkook doesn't want to believe that. He was bullied for having mixed blood. You know how the kids and their egos are these days. I to this day still feel bad for him, and his innocent soul being tortured for no reason. As Namjoon said, don't misunderstand him. Jungkook is the one who should talk about him and not me," said Jin.

I nodded as I put all the washed plates inside the cabinet as Jin dried off his hands and cleaned the dirty dinner table.

"I am going to bed, is there any work more to do?"

"No child, you are free to go, have a good night, and rest well. Today was a long and unbelievable day for you, rest up," he said as he peeled an orange and ate it.

"Good night, Jin-ssi," I said as I bowed and left.

I climbed the stairs as my brain was filled with half curiosity and half regret for Jungkook.

Before I could get in my room, I was pulled back and my back hit a firm chest I was back hugged as he whispered: "I am sorry Y/n, Please, forgive me,"


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