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work* two weeks later*

I was looking through my application that I applied to I wanted to go to college I even told mattia that I wanted to go he allowed it he even told me he was going to get a new job but never told me where at or what job

I was looking at the rejection I got until I came across my first choice I got in I was happy I went looking for Jessica I managed to find her she was putting boxes on the shelves she saw me happy and put the stuff down

Jessica- what happened why are you happy

you- I got in

she got excited for me I told her about me wanting to go to college she gave me a hug congratulating me

Jessica- when are you staring

you- it says in 3 months

Jessica- that means I don't have much time with you

you- that's the sad part

Jessica- it's okay we still have time to spend together

she gave me another hug then we went back to work it was just a normal day

after our shift ended she took me home mattia was working late that's what he told me when I got home I took a shower and changed into

after our shift ended she took me home mattia was working late that's what he told me when I got home I took a shower and changed into

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I went outside Jessica came back and took me to mattia school I hot off

you- see you tommorow

jess- bye see you

she drove off I entered the school and went to.the classroom i opened the door with the extra key I had with me when I opened the door 

i saw mattia sitting down while a  student was kissing him I just looked at them wanting to cry they didn't notice me

you- so this was your work you've been doing mattia

he looked at me pulling her away he tried talking but I cut him off

you- it's over I'm moving out

I left the school I ran to avanis house that was near here I couldn't stop crying by the time I got there

I knocked on the door to see avani open in she looked at me worried and let me in she gave me water to calm down

avani- what happened

I explained what I saw at the school and I even told her about college she comfort me she said I can stay with her for the time being I thanked her

I got calls from mattia but I just ignored them I still love him that's why I'm not gonna say anything I texted him we should go on a break he responded back but I just left him on delivered

3 months later*

Jessica is driving me to college it's a 4 hour drive from home she's going to stay with me for the week and drive us back home

me and mattia haven't spoken much he doesn't know I got accepted to college or that I've left he has been trying to speak to me for a while but I've been working if i have said anything to him its either a couple words back but not in a conversation type

I haven't collected my clothes from the house I bought new ones from tge mall that I just got today

4 hours later*

we got to the campus I got about and started stretching Jessica got out as well we started walking around to the guides to show the students the classes and everything

g- hi I'll be your guid for today

it was a guy that was showing us around the area we started walking I got a notification i checked and it was mattia

where are you?

My love♡

funny they said you registered

my love♡

I just left it like that and continued with the tour he kept spamming my phone I just put it on silent they separated us by the major we signed up for me and Jessica stayed together

g- so 20 of you guys are in (wtv major you want)

she looked around if we had any questions then she continued she showed us more classes it was a big campus we walked upstairs and downstairs they showed us the cafeteria and told us the rules

she gave us our schedule by name I went to get mine after tour was over we left we went to the hotel where we're staying at it was just a 6 minute drive

we got off and went in to check in we took the elevator with some others I noticed they had the schedule too they're probably staying here too

the elevator door opened and they got off thr next stop was ours we got off and went to our room I went to go shower it has been a long day for me

after I was done taking a shower she went in I was drying my hair while going to my phone that was charging

I saw a few missed calls from mattia I decided on calling him back I wanted him to know I was okay

I called him back it only took one ring for him to answer

Mattia- where are you

you- let's just say I took some days off

mattia- where are you tho

you- out

we talked for a while I ended up on hanging up on him because Jessica was already done showering we were already planning on getting food

we walked out after she got her phone that was charging next to mine we went to the elevator we saw the same people from earlier we went down and walked out we got in Jessica started driving to a fast food

we went to in and out drive thru Jessica ordered for us and we just waited in line I was on my phone looking at the message of mattia

I started missing him I was probably just dramatic about him kissing someone else I was going to text him but we got our food and headed back to the hotel to eat

My Teacher (mattia polibio)Where stories live. Discover now