Then, Stan's eyes land on me. He immediately directed his attention towards his girlfriend, starting to smile with a small strain.

"Yea, I can go over today." Milly said smiling. Kyle just ignored Stan, smiled back, and nodded. The two headed off to Kyle's.

The wind was blowing and the only thing taming Milly's hair underneath was her beanie. A paper blew around the sidewalk that Kyle and Milly were walking. Milly trapped it under her foot, then bent down and grabbed it.

"Ooh, a school dance!" Milly said enthused. Kyle not so much.

"Ugh, I hate those." Kyle complained. Mainly because the punch would be spiked and he would have to deal with a whiny, drunk Stan, rambling about how Wendy left early or went with someone else.


"Theres just no appeal." Kyle lied flatly.

"Well, I like to just hang out with my friends." Milly said with her smile. Kyle couldn't help but smile back.

"And who knows, maybe someone will ask me out." She said walking backwards, putting the paper in Kyle's hands.

"Or maybe I'll ask them out." They both smiled. Kyle looked down at the paper. Next Friday, after school. It's a party for the mid-year test results. Kyle didn't notice that he almost passed his house.

"Oh, over here." Kyle said while Milly giggled. They walked inside and Kyle showed her where to set her bag down. He gave her a small tour before going to his room.

"What now?" Kyle asked.

"I dunno, you invited me." Milly said sitting down on his bed.

"You play Mario Kart?"

"Hell yeah!"

-an hour or so later-

Milly and Kyle ended up just sitting on the floor talking about relationships. Mainly the dance. It was only next Friday but Kyle was hyped. Maybe she'll ask him out and he can get over Stan. And then he won't have to be gay anymore! Or he can ask her out? So many possibilities! He has to update Cartman on a lot. A phone call interrupted Milly's rant and Kyle's thoughts.

"Oh, it's my mom." Milly said answering 'hey' to her mom. She said a few 'okays' and then hung up.

"I've gotta go home, but I'd love to do this again sometime." Milly smiled her signature and stood up.

"That's fine. I'm free Thursday and Friday if you wanna hang out then?"

"Sounds like a deal." Milly smiled and left. Kyle watched her leave his house from the stairs. They waved goodbye to each other and once she left Kyle texted Cartman.

Joo: cartman i think im gonna get over Stan really easily now

Fatass: how

Joo: milly! Shes so cool and better then stan
I wanna ask her out to the dance but maybe its too soon

Fatass: if it helps you get over stan then do it
Im tired of you too

Getting over him. And failing. (style) Where stories live. Discover now