Face to Face

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Bucky sat at the front of the jet next to Steve as they flew toward DC where Fury was holding Liam. Luna was in the seat behind Steve. She had argued with Bucky all weekend about coming with him. He finally gave in, but not without setting some ground rules first.

First, she had to let Bucky talk to him before she spoke to Liam. She could watch from a different room, but she wasn't talking to him until Bucky had gotten what they needed. Second, she wasn't allowed to be alone with him. Luna tried to fight him on that condition, but it was the one thing Bucky wouldn't cave on. Lastly, if Bucky felt that Liam was starting to get inside her head even the slightest bit, he was going to pull her out of the room and drag her to the jet. He wouldn't let that asshole undo all the progress she had made with her mental health.

Luna fidgeted the whole way to DC. She had begged Bucky to let her come. If he was going to face Liam, so was she. He'd held power over her for too long and it was time to show him that he hadn't broken her. Deep down, though, she still felt that scared and hopeless part of herself clinging on for dear life.

She felt Bucky looking back at her every little bit. He was probably making sure that she wasn't on the verge of a mental breakdown. After her less extensive wounds healed, Luna began making regular appointments with Bucky's therapist. It was a condition of her reinstatement after she was shot, so she knew it was coming, but it still didn't prepare her for the sessions.

Sam told her how well Dr. Raynor had worked out for Bucky and that she should talk to the therapist, not only about getting shot, but also about everything else that happened. She had become comfortable enough with Sam that she told him what happened the last time she tried seeing a therapist and that she was afraid it would happen again. He promised that Raynor was trustworthy and wouldn't trivialize the trauma Luna had experienced. With his background in counseling, Luna trusted Sam's judgement about the doctor and, with tremendous hesitation and fear, began seeing the woman every few days.

Luna had a lot to work through and it would probably take years to unload every single event, feeling, and regret that she had. Dr. Raynor was patient though. She listened intently when Luna spoke and offered insight where necessary. Her presence could be intimidating at times, but she never made Luna feel as if her experiences were anything other than scarring and terrifying. She was still lost in her own thoughts when Bucky gently rested his hand on her shoulder. He was crouched next to her with a soft smile on his face.

"We're here, doll. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Luna said softly.

"You know you don't have to do this right now, LuLu. Liam is never going to see the light of day again. You can confront him when you're ready."

His calm, reassuring voice sent warmth flowing through her. She wasn't just doing this for herself, she was doing it for him too. Until she fully let go, she wouldn't be able to move on. Bucky deserved all of her and that wasn't something she could give him if there was still a part of her attached to Liam.

"No, I'm doing this now. I want...no, I deserve closure from that part of my past. I can't move on until I've closed that chapter of my life." Luna rested her hand on Bucky's face and smoothed her thumb over his cheek. "I want this not just for me, but for us. I don't want anything hanging over our relationship."

"Okay, doll." He covered her hand with his. "Just remember, I'm here for you if you need me."

"Fury has Liam in an interrogation room already. Are you both sure this is what you want to do?" Steve asked as Luna and Bucky stood up.

They both nodded and Steve's lips stretched into a tight smile.

"Then let's get this over with." He said and walked to the back of the jet.

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