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Delilah pov

One not so tough choice ahead of me. The boy who I grew up with who hasn't talked to me in a couple of years, or a boy who I've known for less than a week that makes me feel special.

"I'll meet you back at the dorm Logan," I say and his face doesn't change, but Silas's does

"I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, Silas " I say walking out and following Emory who was already walking out

"She's ridiculous, imagine being her," I hear someone say

"For real like that's so embarrassing," someone whispers

"Let's get out of this fucking place," I say to Em and she nods walking to her car where Cleo was already waiting for us

"I told her to wait for us here," Emory says walking to the drivers seat

"Aren't you drunk," I ask her

"Not really, I have a high alcohol tolerance," she says and I roll my eyes getting in nervously

"If we die, I guess the more the merrier," Cleo says and we all laugh

"Let's get out of here," Emory says driving away

"I stole some beers," Cleo says taking some and I've been there too, yet I freeze

"I love this girl," Emory says as Cleo takes out of her beach bag some beers and a bottle of tequila

"You're my hero," Emory says looking at her through the mirror

"That party was lame, I thought Leighton was known for their parties the only interesting part was the fight and Delilah running away," Cleo says and I fidget at my hands

"I make a pretty good job running away, don't you think," I say and we all laugh as I take my phone out and put it on aux

"You do, the best parties are the Halloween ones," Em says speeding out of the beach and I hang on to the hanger thingy.

"Woah shit, are you okay Delilah," Cleo asks

"Yeah I'm fine," I say smiling. I hated getting into a car full of drunk people speeding, but I'll be fine they don't have to know.

"I'm not gonna lie for a moment I thought you were gonna pick Silas," Emory says and I frown taking a water bottle out of our bag

"I don't like him, I once met someone just like him and he ended up posting a porno about me," Cleo says and I spit all the water I had in my mouth

"What the fuck," Emory and I say in unison

"What, it's just advice for Delilah," she says and we all smile

"A porno," I ask Cleo

"Yeah, why," she says and I laugh


"My dorm?" Emory asks since we were arriving at Leighton

"Yeah," Cleo says and I hesitate

"I think I'm gonna skate for a while," I say. My mind is way too crowded to be in the same room with alcohol

"The rink is closed," Emory says and I shrugg

"I'll find a way in," I say as we enter the gates

"Bye girls, maybe I'll swing by your dorm," I say getting off walking the other way as they giggle walking together

They look good together. A friendship Imma take credit for. I walk to my dorm slowly and try to memorize everything surrounding me. The trees and the way the sway to the same direction of the small blows of wind. The tiled floor and tall buildings. The birds flying by and the few people walking on campus.

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