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Two Day Later Friday Jay Pov

It been two days since what Happened to Tiana and I moved her in with me for I While until I feel like she can Stay On her own again because i don't trust no nigga

Right now I'm in the Bed on my Phone Missing Layla she Went home Yesterday morning some of her Family Members coming Over I already miss her

My door opened seeing Tiana coming in smiling

"Knock before you come in I could've been fucking you wanna just walk in and shit"

"Girl shut the Fuck up but guess what"


"Me and Jamari back on Good terms "

"Stormi Dad Jamari" i said making her nod

"Yeah" she said smiling

"He Text me on Instagram wanting to See Stormi Tomorrow"

"Tiana you kept Stormi Away from him" I said

"Yeah" she put her head down

"Why the fuck you do that"

"Because He cheated and he don't do shit for her so i Kept her away from him"

"You can't do that" i sat up

"Why not"

"You can't keep him away from her even if he fuck up that's his Baby to maybe he'll do right by her and you" i said

"I know I thought about that and i know i was Wrong But He's coming Tomorrow to see her Hopefully he Buy or give her something shit at least"

"Well what you doing today" i ask her changing the subject

"Me and my Baby going to get our Nails and Hair done" she said

"Tryna get right with Jamari Must be nice" I smirk

"I know right what about you" she flip her hair

"What you really is" i said laughing making her nod "Oh well I'm going to the mall Me and Sky I'ma take Kaycee to Alesha"

"Oh ok well I'll see you at Momma ours later" she said getting up

"Ight" i Said i walk out the room to KC room

"Yoo KC" i said making him take the headset off and look at me


"Go get dress I'm finna take you to Alesha" i said

"Ok give me a Minute"

"Nigga Now" I said to him and Turn the game off he got up look me up and down walk pass me

"I'll beat you up nigga" i Laughed he ran towards me and jump on me

I started swinging playful hitting him in the stomach

He stop and ran to his room

I went back to my room i Turn the shower on and got in

After i go out i dried off and put my deodorant on put my. Undergarments on and went to my Closet i pick out my outfit I put my durag on and my apple watch on and grab my Phone and charger i put it in my Crossbag

I went downstairs i grab my some Hot Cheetos soon KC came downstairs with his Bag and Phone he Went to the Kitchen and Pack some Snacks in his Bag

"You ready" i ask him

"Yes Ma'am" he nod

I turn the Lights off and Lock the front door i went in the garage i lock the door and got in the Bwm X5 M i Open
The garage and pull out i close it ack and pull out my Driveway and Head to Alesha house

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