chapter 3:the abandoned lodge-2

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Les goooooo I'm #72 in eeveelution out of 1.5k storys!!!!

Ok let's get on with the story!P.S for the first time a soft POV!

Soft's POV

as my new friends got taken from me I cried out. For all the reasons I could, how my parents abandoned me to the wilds, how I got trapped, and now, the two mons that had ever cared for me were being taken from me and hurt by mons who didn't even know them. "VIII!!!!!!! EVI!!!!!!!" I yelled out for help, I knew they couldn't understand me, but it didn't change I needed them back. I was taken out of my cage and thrown at a rocky wall. I hit my head and blacked out....

Five hours later

I woke up to a pounding agony in my skull "OWWW!!" I screamed, unable to hold my tongue. I looked at the floor and saw my dried blood staining the floor, about five minutes later I realized that I spoke common pokemon speak. I had never done this before I looked down and, thinking I had evolved, I was shocked to see that I hadn't evolved then I realized how hard I hit my head.

Then I saw the wood door and stood up,but was stopped from moving forward by ropes attached to my front paws and neck. When I tried moving, the ropes tightened. Realizing that if I struggled I could lose a paw-or worse-i stopped my feeble attempts to get free and laid down to sleep the time away

The next day

I woke up to a stab to my fluffy tail
"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!"I  screamed in pain. I heard an evil laugh and saw the mabosstiff grinning meanly. "You had your beauty sleep?" He asked mockingly. I turned my head to see a dagger inbedded in my tail, covered in blood. Tears started welling in my eyes. "WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN?!" I yell-asked. "Because I can."he said in his mean, deep voice. "Please, let me go!" I said
"Mmmnnnnn no." He said cruelly. "Then let my friends go!" I said in a pleading voice.
"Oh you didn't know?"he said in a mocking

"They're sentenced to die by having They're limbs torn off and left in the forest!HAHAHAHAHA!!!!your little friends will be eaten by the houndour!"he said the word friends like it was the most disappointing word ever. "Goodbye!"he yelled over his shoulder. I heard a jangle noise and saw a key on his neck. He took it off and unlocked the door, left and relocked it. Just then I heard a small voice say "umm hello!"


Ok I get that your expecting me to say bye see you next chappie, BUT, there is a shout out I probably should have included at the beginning but thank you ThunderStorm-bringer for writing shatter me. It inspired me to try writing and try to bring some new story to here that is all, see you next chappie: )

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