[ Chapter Eighteen ]

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"Pawpa, why no you kiss Mawma like that on TV?" Kyubok asked while pointing at the TV screen. There was a scene of a K-Drama playing where the main couple were kissing.

Hoseok choked on his cup of tea when he heard the pup's comment. He continued to cough until he was able to regain control again.

"I-I... Yoongi and I... we're just, we're just—,"

"Everything okay, alpha?" A soft voice said, interrupting Hoseok.

The alpha quickly turned his head to the direction of the voice, seeing Yoongi who was holding a tray of cut fruits.

"Yea, everything is fine," Hoseok responded.

"Are you sure, alpha? I heard coughing," Yoongi said while walking towards the alpha and pup, placing the tray on the coffee table before taking a seat on the couch in between the alpha and pup.

It was day 3 of Yoongi's heat and the omega seemed to be going back to his normal self. He no longer was afraid of being separated from the toddler and the alpha and his scent wasn't as powerfully sweet.

"I was coughing but—,"

"Are you sick? Does your head hurt? Does your stomach hurt?" Yoongi asked while placing his hand on the alpha's forehead, trying to see if the alpha had a fever.

"I appreciate you being so sweet but I just choked on my tea. Nothing to worry about," Hoseok said with a reassuring smile, taking Yoongi hand off of his forehead.

Yoongi only nodded, obeying the alpha.

"Mawma, why Pawpa no kiss you like the people on TV?" The pup asked, this time asking the question to the omega.

Yoongi was a little taken aback, but chuckled softly.

"Now, now, I don't think you should be asking that, my pup," Yoongi said, Hoseok nodding to the response.

"Yea.. how about you eat some of the fruits that Yoongi cut," Hoseok said, trying to change the conversation.

"But Pawpa, wanna see you make love with mawma," Kyubok stubbornly said.

Hoseok felt heat rush up to his face at the pup's words. The alpha covered his face, hiding his shame from the omega and pup.

"Alpha, are you okay?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok nodded slowly, trying to regain control again. Is this what Yoongi felt when the pup would ask him stuff like this. If it was then he felt bad because he was so embarrassed at the moment.

"Excuse me," Hoseok said, quick to get off the couch and run towards his home office.

The alpha opened the door of his office, quickly closing it and sliding down the door and onto the ground.

He sighed to himself. What had happened back there? Why had he fled all of a sudden? This wasn't him, he had changed. But how?

Had it been because of Yoongi? Perhaps Yoongi's heat had caused him to do this.

Hoseok sighed again, covering his face with his hands.

Ever since Yoongi came into his life, he's been different. Lately, he's been looking through toys, mostly for Kyubok, but he found a few baby toys he was tempted to buy.

He found himself at daze when he saw a photo of a couple with two children's on social media, he craved what they had.

He didn't know what had happened to him. He thought to himself that he may be falling for Yoongi but he quickly discouraged himself by say that Yoongi was only a friend.

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