part four English

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I walk into English class and sit next to Robin, the teacher arrives after and we begin the lesson.

The person next to me finishes reading their poem and sits down. The teacher calls the next person up.

"Yn Ln" me.

I walk up and take out my battered, folded paper out, a copy of my poem. I hold it up, and start to read.

" Let me love you,

   Let me kiss you,

   Love me back,

   And I will forever be in dept to you."

I look up at Robin for a second, the teacher remarks.

"Very good Mrs. Ln" I nod and told up my paper while walking back to my seat.

Once I sit down Robin leans in and says.

"That was really good" I smile and whisper back


The teacher calls out.

"Robin Arellano"

Robin stands up and walks to the front of the class.

"She has the beauty of the finest flower on a spring day,

She has the pink lips of foxglove,

The delicate personality of a lily,

The smile of a daisy,

My one and only girl, as exquisite as roses on a spring day." 

A rose, a love poem, he's the one! He's the one who wrote that letter!

"Bruce Yamada" A girl swoons behind me and I roll my eyes.

"You, you make my cheeks the colour of a rose garden,

  You make my heart flutter

  You make me want to shout my love from the rooftops

  But I can't because then you would know"

Roses!? Twice! Now I don't know who it is! Ahvdybdnsuhvft why!

Two guys, who has written me love letters?

Lovers Poetry Robin Arellano X Yn Where stories live. Discover now