Kylian Mbappé | v

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Little summary: This is a request from Tumblr. You are on a long distance relationship with Kylian after meeting in the country where you live (in this case Spain). You would like to live together, but you are still studying and moving isn't possible at the moment. But just at the moment...

Hope you like it and thank you for reading! ☺️💜


"Hola, churri."

"I regret teaching you that word so much" I say, rolling my eyes. "Why did I do it?"

"Because you can't say no to this face" Kylian smiles. "And it is cute, I like it."

"It isn't cute."

"It is."

"Whatever. How was training?"

"Cold and miserable" he sighs.

"Here it is sunny. Look" I say, moving my phone so he can see through the window.

"Urgh, I hate you."

"Sorry" I smile. "But if you moved here, you could also enjoy the sun."

"Stop playing agent" he laughs.

"I am not playing anything, I'm just stating a fact. The weather in Madrid is better than in Paris."

"Maybe. But you are also trying to convince me to move there and sign for a certain team."

"Atlético de Madrid? Never. I don't hate you, Kylian. I love you."

"And I love you too" he smiles. "But stop playing agent. It isn't working."

"Shame" I sigh. "You would look so handsome in white..."

"I already wear white."

"But it isn't the same. Ours is more... pure."

"Yeah, pure. Like you, uh?" he smirks.

"Oh, shut up."

"Now is when I would tell you make me, and you would kiss me and probably show me how pure you are."

"But we happen to be 1.000 kilometres away. When are you coming back to visit me?"

"I was there last week!" Kylian chuckles.

"I know, but I miss you."

"And I miss you too" he pouts. "But people are already gossiping, wondering why I am constantly spotted in Madrid."

"You are having secret dates with Florentino."

"That's what they probably believe, yes" he laughs. "But you know, you could also come visit me. You know I don't mind paying for the flight."

"I know, and I'm very thankful. But my final exams are around the corner, and I must start studying. I don't need a certain French guy distracting me" I smirk.

"Giroud? He also distracts me, though how not to when he looks like that" he sighs, trying to hide a cheeky smile.

"You are the worst, Kylian" I laugh. "But I already knew he also distracts you. I haven't forgotten about the day we met at that party, about how we both were looking at him as if he was this God that had come to earth to bless us with his presence."

"I still don't know how you paid me any attention that night" he chuckles.

"You were the only one who spoke some Spanish. And in case you didn't know, you yourself also happen to be really hot."

"Oh, stop it. You are gonna make me blush."

"That was my goal" I smirk.

"But now you've made me remember our first date, when I took you to that restaurant that supposedly made the best paella in Ibiza, and it actually sucked. If I was there, I would take you out for lunch."

"If you lived here..."

"And if you lived here..."


"I mean... why not? We are always talking, or to be 100% accurate, you are always teasing me about moving to Madrid and signing for Real Madrid. But we never talk about you moving to Paris."

"Maybe because I don't speak any French?" I chuckle.

"But your English is amazing, way better than mine. You could survive with that while learning French."

"Ok, and what about my studies, uh? I haven't finished my degree yet."

"But if you pass these next exams, you'll only have to do an internship to finish it, right?"


"Then come do that in Paris."

"Like an Erasmus?" I laugh.

"Something like that" he shrugs.

"Kylian, I already told you. I don't speak any French, only the few sentences you've taught me. And if I'm being honest, I don't truly believe they mean what you say they mean."

"You wound me, my dear" he says, dramatically putting a hand on his chest and making me laugh. "But if my plan works, you won't need to speak much French."

"Your plan?"

"Come do your internship at PSG."

"What?" I say, my phone almost slipping from my hand.

"Your grades so far have been amazing. That alone should make them consider you as an intern. But you also happen to speak Spanish and English fluently, which would help you communicate better with the players and understand what they may need. And, you also happen to know a certain player who could put a good word in for you."


"C'mon, think about it. You'll be doing your internship in one of the best football teams in the world, and learning from some of the best physios out there. Imagine how cool that would look on your curriculum! And it would mean being together. For real. No more facetime calls that last hours and falling asleep until your phone falls in your face. You could be falling asleep on my shoulder before I take you to bed."

"That last part sounds lovely" I smile.

"Everything sounds lovely if you ask me."

"How long have you been thinking about this? About me moving to Paris with you?"

"Since the first time I came back home after visiting you. I missed you so much that I thought: I must find a way to make this work for both of us."

"And that doesn't involve signing for Real Madrid."

"Exactly" Kylian laughs. "What do you say? Would you think about it?"

"But me being there... What if it affects you? What if people start spreading lies, saying that your performance isn't good because of me?"

"That won't happen. If there is something affecting me, it is not having you here next to me each morning when I wake up."

"Aww, Kylian."

"Will you think about it, then?"

"I will. But once I'm done with my exams."

"Of course, perfect. You focus on nailing those, and then we'll discuss when you are moving to Paris."

"I haven't said yes yet" I chuckle.

"But you will. You have the same smile you had when I asked you out and you said you weren't too sure about it."

"Do I have a smile that says all that?" I laugh.

"You do, churri."

"Please don't call me that ever again. If you do, I am not moving with you."

"Ok, ok" he laughs. "What about gorgeous?"

"That sounds much better."

"I love you, gorgeous."

"I love you too, Kylian."

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