Rúben Dias | ii

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Author's note: Had this sitting on my drafts for a while, and thought, why not post it today that he finally played again? 😅It's something very random inspired by a prompt I saw on Tumblr about jokingly catcalling someone in a different language, and not knowing they can understand that language. Hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💜


"Ok, ok. Repeat it again. Slowly."

"Te daba... Como cajón... Que no cierra."

"I think I got it. And it means?"

"Basically that you want to fuck him."

"I mean literally, Sam" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Well, you know when you can't close a drawer and you start hitting it with your hips or your bum?"


"Exactly. Which is what you want to do to Rúben. Or him to you" Sam says, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Yeah, yeah. But I can't tell him that, I'm not crazy."

"You'll have to be very drunk to say it, and we can't get drunk at a work party."

"We cannot."


"Rúben!" I giggle, walking towards him. "Hello."

"Hello. Enjoying the party?"

"Very much. You?"

"It's ok."

"I have something to tell you" I whisper.

"You do?" he asks, arching an eyebrow.

"Yep. Te daba cajón cierra. Wait, no. That wasn't it" I laugh. "Give me a second... Ok, got it. Te daba como cajón que no cierra."

"I beg your pardon?"

"¡Te daba como cajón que no cierra!" I repeat, giggling like an idiot.

"Do you... Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, Sam told me."

"But the literal translation or...?"

"I know what it means, Rúben. Do you?" I ask, trying to give him a mischievous smile.

"I do, yes."

"Oh... I thought you were Portuguese!"

"I am, but I also speak Spanish. It isn't that different from Portuguese, and my longest relationship was with a Spaniard, I learnt the language while we were together."

"Hot and intelligent" I snort.

"Thank you?" he chuckles.

"And probably taken. A guy like you is definitely taken. Like, who am I kidding?"

"I'm single."

"And I'm the Queen of England!" I laugh. "Wait, no, she's dead. And I'm not dead. I am alive. Very alive!"

"And drunk. Very drunk" Rúben laughs.

"Don't tell our boss, please."

"It'll be our secret" he winks. "But you should stop drinking."

"And go for a wee."

"Do you know where..."

But I don't hear what else he says. I'm already running towards the bathroom, feeling like I'm going to explode.



"Hm" I grunt.

"Or should I say buenos días?"

"What?" I say, looking up from my coffee and meeting Rúben's eyes. He's talking... To me?

"How is the hangover?"

"The worst ever" I say, focusing again on the coffee machine and trying to process that Rúben knows I exist.

"Did you drink more after going to the bathroom? I didn't see you again."

"Wait, what? We... We spoke last night?" I ask, looking at him again. He looks so fresh and handsome while I look and feel... So ugly. Disgustingly ugly.

"You don't remember?"

"I... Maybe?"

"Dear God" he laughs. "Wait, too loud?"

"Yeah" I hiss.

"I'm sorry" he says with an apologetic smile. "But yes, we spoke last night. You shared with me your knowledge of the Spanish language."

"No!" I say, everything around me starting to move.

"Wow, careful there" he says, grabbing me by the arm and making me sit down. "Are you ok? You just went so pale..."

"I'm fine, I just..."

"You should have stayed home, call in sick."

"I thought I had dreamt that."

"What?" Rúben asks. He's sitting in front of me with his hand still on my arm, his thumb making small circles that instead of soothing me, are making me feel more dizzy. Though I don't want him to stop, to be honest.

"Me saying that in Spanish... I thought I had dreamt it. Did I... Did I also kiss you?"

"No, you didn't" he chuckles. "That was part of your dream."

"Oh, thank God" I sigh. "Not that kissing you is something bad, it's the total opposite. I guess. I don't know. I should stop talking, shouldn't I?"

"What you should do is eat something, you still look very pale."

"I'm not hungry."

"But if you don't eat, you may faint, this time properly, and I may not be there to catch you. You must eat something."

"Ok..." I whisper, trying not to think too much about his arms around me.

"Wait here, I have some energy bars on my desk."

"You don't have to, Rúben."

"I insist" he says, getting up from his chair and letting go of my arm, already making me miss his touch. "Just promise me you won't run away anywhere like you did last night."

"I won't, I promise."

"Chocolate or apple?"


"Nothing, I'll bring both" he laughs before disappearing through the door, leaving me thinking that besides being hot and intelligent, now I also know that he is extremely cute and caring, which means that my crush has gone from 10 to 100. Great.

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