Ben Chilwell | v

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Author's note: Welcome to, once again, an imagine inspired by something random I saw on Instagram😅 This time a reel about a girl who wakes up from anesthesia and doesn't recognize her boyfriend, she just thinks he is a very cute guy 😁
This version is kind of smilar, but as usual, I don't use pronoums, and there are no mentions of hospitals or anything like that, just that the reader has woken up from anesthesia.
I hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜


"Oh, there you are."

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

"I'm feeling... weird" I say.

"Well, that's normal. You are waking up from anesthesia."

"Mum... who is he?" I ask, looking at the man who just talked to me.

"That's Ben, sweetheart" she says.


"Yes, Ben. Don't you recognise him?"

"Ben... Ben, Ben, Ben. That's a funny name, isn't it?" I chuckle.

"I... guess?" she says, looking at him.

"Isn't he pretty, mum? Look at the colour of his eyes. And his lips, they look so... like this" I say, pouting. "Are they real?"

"What?" he laughs.

"Your lips. Are they real or do you have fillers?"

"They are real" he smiles.

"Oh, look at your upper lip! Look at the thing it does in the middle when you smile! So cute" I giggle.

"Thank you" Ben says, still smiling.

"God, you are so pretty. So beautiful. So gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorg... eous. Isn't that a funny word? Gorgeous. You are gorgeous."

"Thank you, love."

"Mum... mum, he just called me love. Why did he call me love?" I ask.

"Because he is your husband, sweetheart."

"What?" I laugh. "I don't have a husband!"

"Yes, you do. Him" she says, pointing at Ben.

"No way!" I laugh again. "Are you sure I am married to him? To Ben the gorgeous?"

"You are. Look at this" he says, lifting my hand and making me look at it.

"Oh... oh! Look at how it shines!" I giggle. "It is almost as pretty as you are."

"Thank you."

"Is it mine?"


"The ring. Is it mine?" I ask, moving my hand and looking at the way the light hits on it.

"Of course it is, love" Ben chuckles. "It is your engagement ring."

"My what?"

"Your engagement ring. Don't you remember when I asked you to marry me? We went on a walk through the park, and we stopped in front of the bench where we kissed for the first time."

"We have kissed?" I ask, looking from him to my mum and to him again.

"He is your husband. Of course you have" she laughs.

"Oh wow. My husband. I have a husband!"

"You do. Look" Ben says, showing me his hand.

"That's a nice ring."

"It's my wedding ring. You also have one, look."

"Oh..." I say, looking at my hand. "Two rings!"

"Two rings."

"Ben... What does it mean?"


"Ben. Your name. What does it mean?"

"It's from Benjamin."

"I don't like it."

"Ok" he laughs again.

"But I like your laugh. And I like you. I like you very much, Ben."

"And I like you too, love" he says, caressing my cheek.

"Stop it" I giggle. "My mum is right here!"

"Oh, please" she says, rolling her eyes. "You've been together for years!"

"What? I just met him!"

"You just... Ben, should we call a doctor? Is this normal?" my mum asks him.

"It is, don't worry. When Mason got his wisdom teeth removed, he said similar things."

"He said he was half human half great white" I laugh.

"You remember that but you don't remember me?" Ben says.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"Will a kiss make you remember me?"

"I'm not Snow White, but you can try" I smirk.

"Ok" he smiles, kissing my cheek. "Do you remember now?"


"And now?" he asks, kissing my nose.


"What about this?" he whispers against my lips before kissing me. "Do you remember me now?"

"Why wouldn't I remember you?" I chuckle.

"Seriously?" Ben laughs.


"You've been trolling us, haven't you?" he says, looking from me to my mum.

"What are you two talking about?"

"When you woke up from the anesthesia, you didn't remember me. And now I kissed you, and you suddenly do?"

"That's the power of those lips of you" I smile.

"I can't believe it" he laughs, running a hand through his hair.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?"

"Troll" Ben says, sticking out his tongue.

"Wait, so you were faking it?" my mum asks. "Were you or not? Stop laughing and answer me!"

"Sorry mum" I shrug.

"Urgh" she complains, rolling her eyes. "I'm gonna go get a coffee."

"Can I confess something?" I ask Ben once she has left.

"Go" he says, sitting on the bed next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I hadn't recognised you until I saw the ring."



"So when you called me Ben the gorgeous..."

"Did I call you that?" I laugh.

"You did. And you can keep calling me that, I like it" he says, kissing my head.

"Of course you do" I chuckle.

"I love you, you weirdo."

"I love you too, Ben the gorgeous."

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