ep4 - boyfriend

12 2 0

POV : it's morning. You're lying on your bed

Y/n : ah young finally we're getting married. If you want baby..we will adopt it

and then you suddenly wake up like you had very bad dream..hehe yeah that was bad dream

Y/n : hah wtf type of dream it was *sigh*

I am feeling really lazy. I just don't want to get up from bed..but..I have to cuz of my damn useless school

You got up from your bed and move towards bathroom and after a while you get ready for school. you kept your phone on your bag and went to eat your breakfast

Y/m : y/n good morning..here is your breakfast

y/n : good morning mom

you sat chair and start feeding yourself

Y/m : btw in which time you came back in night

y/n : 11:00

Y/m : ohh good..keep study like that

Y/n : hehe

you finish your breakfast and went to station for bus. You sit beside and checked inbox. He ( eaturass ) wasn't online. you felt a little sad then bus came and u sit beside young

Y/n : Hello young

Young : hello y/n

Y/n : you're looking pretty today..oh sorry you look pretty everyday

Young : haha stop it now don't make me shy..btw did you enjoyed tomorrow

Y/n : yes too much ..wbu

Young : me too..

you both smiled at each other

Young : btw can I ask you a question ?

Y/n : ofc

Young : do you have crush on someone ?

y/n : yes I have a crush

Young : who *shock*

Y/n : you

Young : ahhh I'm serious sis

Y/n : okay...you know who is jihoon ?

Young : yes..who is president of 12th C

Y/n : yessss *shy*

Young : ohhhhhhhhh *smirk*

Y/n : hehe

bus stopped cuz school has came. You both got out from it.

Y/n : byeee young

Young : byee uniee

You both moved to your classes

Y/n : hey guyys

classmate : hello y/n

Boy : ahhh y/n is looking cute

Boy 2 : yes she is so gorgeous

you sit on your chair and start scrolling phone until teacher come then a guy come to you

?? : are you y/n ?

Y/n : yes I'm y/n *still looking at phone*

?? : Hello..I'm Kim jihoon

Y/n : okay....huh!! *You looked at him*

Jihoon : uhm..can you meet me at lunch time on back ground of school ? *Shy*

Y/n : huh ? Ummm...huh. okay *shy*

jihoon : okay..bye *he said silently*

Y/n : bye

Y/n : awwww *shy*

*At lunch*

Young : huh ? Why r u so smiling rn

Y/n : hehe you know my crush Told me to meet on school's back ground *shy*

Young : ohhhhh *smirk* good luck

Y/n : thank you hehe

You had your dinner and went to ground

Y/n : where is jihoon...

jihoon : ohh am I late ?  sorry *pout*

y/n :  no no

Oh my fucking god he is looking so cute ahhhhhh

Y/n : so..why you wanted to meet

Jihoon : uh...ummm....I like u

Y/n : huh?....huh...umm...I - I like u too , you are my crush *shy*

Jihoon : O - oh

*You nodded*

He started to come closer to you. You just getting step back. He pinned you to wall and grabbed your waist. He kissed your cheek and ran away.

Y/n : what he just did....ah fuck I'm so shy *shy*
*School ended*

You went to your home and lay down on bed and start checking your insta inbox. Your face get a cute smile when U see jimin's message


eaturass : hello y/n :)

Hello jiminie : fckurself

eaturass : how r u

                                  I'm good n : fckurself
                                         really happy today
eaturass : seriously ? good , btw
any special reason for it :)

Yes... actually my : fckurself
crush proposed me

eaturass : ohh good.

yeah : fckurself

Btw do you : fckurself
have any gf

eaturass : no

oh : fckurself

eaturass : umm if you
don't mind can I see your

Oh ofc : fckurself

Oh ofc : fckurself

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eaturass : oh he is good

Hmm : fckurself


you both talked for too long like 2 hours and after that you kept your phone on table and slept at 12:00

Thank you guyys so that was ep 4. I purple you 💜💜

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