The pranks continued as it drew closure to the first task. Harry knew it was time to step up the pranks but he also knew one prank would be aimed at him along with the other champions. Pranking himself would take any suspicion off him, but this will also cause more trouble for Dumbledore and the committee for the tournament.

Harry really wanted to make sure the tournament was cancelled. The day before the first task Harry had it planned that the four champions would be pranked but Harry wanted to do something first before he was put out of commission for a week.

Right as breakfast started, the Slytherin's went running from the great hall when their table ended up covered in snakes. The students from the other three houses moved away even if they were laughing. When the teachers tried to banish them, the snakes doubled in numbers then turned and began to go after the teachers, which again made most students laugh as they moved further away.

'Mr. Potter, could you tell the snakes we don't want to hurt them?' McGonagall yelled.

'Oh, so I'm thought of as the next dark lord because I'm a parselmouth and the teachers allowed the harassment, now they want me to use it to help them. Blimey, you can't win in this place,' Harry sighed before he moved towards the snakes and began to talk to them.

The students and staff watched as all the snakes turned to Harry and began to talk back to him. Finally Harry moved off towards the doors, the snakes followed. Once Harry got far enough into the forbidden forest so no one could see him, he called one of his house elves, Tilly, to reverse the spell making all the snakes vanish. Harry laughed, thanked Tilly before he headed back towards the castle. He knew he would be questioned about the snakes, but since he hadn't conjured them, the house elves did, he wouldn't get into trouble.

When Harry was questioned, they refused to believe him, so Harry offered a magical oath that he was telling the truth. They weren't going to give in so Harry just did the oath, they had to believe him after that. But Harry did give Dumbledore and McGonagall a glare before he turned and walked away. He muttered how he hated every adult in this castle and couldn't wait to get away from them. He said it just loud enough so he would be heard. Harry wanted Dumbledore to know exactly how he felt. After the dream he had before the world cup, Dumbledore told Harry if he had more he was to write straight away. With the way Harry acted now, Dumbledore should realise that Harry was not going to tell him anything. Harry had made sure to tell Neville when they were near one of the portraits about his dream of Voldemort. Harry never mentioned what the dream was about. He wanted Dumbledore to realise that since Harry didn't trust him than he would never tell the headmaster about his dream and what Voldemort could be doing. Harry hoped it would make the old man open his eyes and take a look at what he was doing, or not doing.

Harry joined Neville back at Gryffindor's table and dished himself up some more breakfast.

'So what happened to the snakes?'

'I took them into the forbidden forest and explained if they came near the castle that they might end up hurt or dead. Dumbledork and McCattagall believed I conjured the snakes so I offered to give a magical oath that I didn't. They weren't going to let me so I just did it so they finally realised I had nothing to do with it. I think there must be another parselmouth in the school but they keep it quiet after the way I was treated.'

'Since you gave an oath then there must be another person who can speak to snakes.'

'Did you think I did it?' Harry chuckled when Neville blushed, 'I'm sure everyone thought it was me, so it's fine. Like I said, I'm supposedly the only parselmouth in the school so it's natural everyone would believe it was me. I wonder who did it,' Harry looked around as if to try to figure out who might be a parslemouth. He just wanted to keep up his act.

Right at the end of breakfast there were a few loud animal's noises then everyone realised that Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory and Victor Krum had turned into animals. Fleur Delacour still refused to leave the carriage so no one knew if she also turned into an animal.

Viktor turned into a bulldog, Cedric turned into a cat and Harry turned into a large eagle.

'It seems it wasn't Harry doing the pranks after all,' Fred said as he very carefully moved his hand towards Harry/eagle.

'No, not Harry, but it seems the four champions, or these three are showing their inner animal,' George said.

'Neville, I think you should watch Harry in here until the teachers can see if this can be changed,' Lee said.

Everyone watched as Cho kept patting the cat which was her boyfriend. Viktor's friends stayed beside him as Karkaroff moved towards his champion and Neville stayed with Harry who jumped onto Neville's shoulder.

All day the staff along with Karkaroff and Maxime tried to reverse the spell, nothing. The four champions remained in their animal forms. Even though Fleur still stayed in the carriage, she became a duck making the other French girls laugh.

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