First Date-Sebastian Stan

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A/N: Hope you enjoy, its kinda short and not the greatest but I was pressed for time. thanks for reading. feel free to make a request for a story in the future. I'm open to most ideas. 

Y/F/D= your favorite drink

Having known Sebastian Stan most of your life, it was safe to say you were still incredibly nervous about your date. you knew he was a wonderful guy. you knew he was sweet, shy, kind, caring, and incredibly handsome. also, he can be very silly, that's the side that made you fall for him. But still, you couldn't help but wonder why he agreed to this. probably cause you haven't seen each other in forever but still. so this probably is not a date... but then why did it feel like a date?


you were at a meet and greet to "meet" Sebastian Stan. it has now been 4 years or so since you have talked to him. another 4 since you have seen him over Facetime. and another 2 since face-to-face. so you were so nervous. you didn't want to just show up at his door. so you felt this was the next best thing. you were 2 people away. you had a small script in your head. a note you would hand him with your gift to him. and about a million different outcomes. another person heads up. your nerves spiked even higher. suddenly the next girl in front of you goes. you honestly felt like passing out. but other than your shaking hands, you seemed outwardly pretty calm. some time passes and it's your turn. you walk up slowly. nervous. you watch his eyes go from the person leaving to your face. something triggers shock in his face. then confusion, recognition, and finally excitement. he stands up. 

"Oh my god! Y/N/N!!" he whispers. you nod. tears filling your eyes. no outcome you came up with could compare to this. he wraps you in a giant hug. "It's been way too long since I have seen you" he whispers.  you just smile and nod into his shoulder. he pulls back. 

"you okay?" he asks. you nod. your throat tight with emotion. he sits down. "I hate to make you seem unimportant, 'cause you are really important, but I can't spend too much time with you. others will get upset." this jars you back to reality. 

"Uh, yes, of course," you hand him a poster for him to sign, to go through the motions with him. 

"you want me to sign this?" he asks. you nod. he starts to sign. you hand him the gift and note. he smiles at the gift. 

"thank you! I love it. and I hope we can get in touch sometime soon?" he asks hopefully. you nod. scared to talk again. A small smile graces his face. he nods and you blush hard, walking away quickly. 


You have arrived at the restaurant that he texted you. your nerves were so high you had to push a hand against your stomach as you walk in. You check your reflection. you had chosen a nice pair of jeans and a simple top with a leather jacket and tennis shoes. you speak to the person at the front.

"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" the lady asked. 

"Umm, yes a table for 2." 

"Name please?" she asks

"Stan." she types and then giggles. looking up at you she smirks.

"You are here for Sebastian stan?" 

"Yes," you state, annoyed. 

"Yeah right, I'm going to have to talk to him, one second." she turns and walks away. suddenly your phone dings. 

Seb: you here? 

you: yeah, the lady doesn't believe me so she is coming to talk to you

Seb: ugh,

Seb: wait I think I see her

the text stalls for a minute

Seb: yeah not a fan, but try to be civil, I know you have a temper

you: haha, funny Stan, but fine,  you promise. smiling at your phone. 

"ahem," a person clears their throat, annoyingly you might add. 

"Yes," you plaster a false smile on

"He said that you were correct," she said unhappily, " follow me" she snaps. quietly you follow knowing perfectly well if you respond a scene was going to follow. you arrive at the table and he looks up. your heart stopped. he smiles grandly at you his blue eyes sparkling. gets up and pulls out your chair. you sit and he sits. the lady leaves and your waitress appeared. 

"would you like anything to drink?" they ask. your heart freezes. you would know that voice anywhere. 

slowly you look up. the new set of blue eyes meets yours. you choke up. 

"yes, ill take water, and lemonade." Seb pauses, looks at you then speaks again "The lovely lady here would also like water and Y/F/D" he says. the waiter nods and walks away. you swallow hard. 

"Hey are you okay?" he asks leaning over and gently placing a hand on your arm. It's enough to snap you out of your daze. 

"huh, umm, yeah fine, sorry I'm just kinda nervous" you ramble. then chuckle, he laughs too.

"Honestly, same," he says quietly. you smile and pick up your menu. suddenly things just fall back into your old routine. the waiter comes back but it's someone new. you and Seb talk about the old days, the new things you've been doing, just like you used to.

****Time-skip**** (feel free to imagine what you would have wanted to have happened on the date)

you were getting up to leave. you guys have been at the restaurant for about 2 hours. he walks you to the door. but instead of saying goodbye he grabs your hand. 

"want to get ice cream?" he asks. his goofy grin in place. 

"yes!" you say excitedly. you guys walk around laughing at silly little things and get the ice cream. you continue to walk, though this time a bit more calmly as you were eating. you come to a stop by a park. he leads you to a bench. 

"Hey, Y/N/N?" he asks. 

"hmm?" you hum in response. 

"Can we go out again?" 

"Tonight?" you ask confused. he laughs. shakes his head

"No? some other time?" he asks

"Like another date?" you ask, then pause, "Wait, I didn't mean to say this was a date, I mean I would be okay calling that but like if that's something you don't want we don't have to, I me-" his hand on your mouth cuts you off. he chuckles softly shaking his head. 

"Wow, your just the same as I remember, but also very different," he says. then pauses, "Yes, as another date. I've always loved you Y/N/N, and that's never changed, I want to call this our first date. I want you to be my girlfriend, but only if that's okay with you. I know it's been so long since we've seen each other but this is what I want." he says. he gently brings his hand down. cupping your cheek. 

"You love me?" you ask dumbly. he nods. "yes, I would love you to be your girlfriend," you whisper. his face close to yours. slowly you guys come together. his lips soft on yours. a perfect end to the night. you guys sit closely together, content.

Why was he at the restaurant? you suddenly think of the waiter, but keep a calm exterior.

later Seb walks you to your car. kisses you again and leaves.

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