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After Damian's phone call, Bruce and Tim brought up the fashion department on their monitors. They could see and hear everything. It didn't seem like anything was the matter.

"What is going on?" Bruce asked, "What is wrong with the fashion department? From what I can see, everything is running smoothly."

"The new hire." Damian spoke, catching Tim's attention, "She complained about a senior pushing their work onto her. She went on to say she would rather collapse at home then eat. She has been forcing herself to consume food upon her return."

"Are you sure she didn't know who you were?" Bruce pushed.

"She referred to me as a stranger." he answered, "We have never met until today. She stated that the senior female has been in the company at least five years."

"She told all this to a stranger?" Tim questioned.

"I took a seat at her table and questioned her appearance. She resembled you after two weeks of no sleep." Damian stated, "She took that too inform me of her issue here at work."

'The fact that she still looked ethereal doesn't need to be known by them.'

Tim zoomed in on Marinette and watched as she slowly approached her desk. Tim brought up the personnel files and searched the database for the lady at her desk. He didn't remember the other lady being in that department.

"There you are. Here I was thinking that you left early. You're late coming back for lunch." the lady spoke.

"Actually, I'm five minutes early." Marinette pointed out.

Damain smirked at Marinette's remark.

'I knew she had it in her.'

The Waynes watched as the older lady leaned closer to their designer, "Copy all these papers and make sure there are at least twenty-five pages each. You should be able to do that in three hours, right?" and walked away.

"Tim?" Bruce questioned.

"Got it." he replied, "Carolyn Briggs. She's better known around the office as 'Carrie' and she has worked for us at least five years."

Damian watched the monitor as Marinette looked between the pile of papers and her desk. He watched as she ignored the papers and turned to her designs.

"I believe she's used this tactic before." Damian spoke out loud, "Use the weak-willed to do your work. Likely, she was transferred or the person quit."

"She was transferred from advertising within the last month." Drake declared, "She has worked in many departments during her time here."

"You may also want to notify the design department that their copies will be late." Damian smirked.

"Tim, inform the lead and I'd prefer we keep an eye on this situaction." the head of Wayne Enterprise announced, "I believe Miss Dupain-Cheng is working on the concepts for the collections we spoke of during her hiring period."

"It seems there's a meeting about the upcoming collection in three hours." Tim explained, "They will be talking with members and explaining about Marinette's new position. We also have a timeline for the collection and for when it will be released. He isn't amused with what is going on, but he had noticed Miss Dupain-Cheng's work had gone down since her arrival. Now that he has a better understanding of the situation, he has no issue if we extend the timeline."

After three hours, Tim noticed Carolyn walking to Marinette's desk.

"It's show time!" he announced.

Bruce and Damian quickly turned to look at the monitors. Marinette sat at her desk, humming. She hadn't left her desk and had maintained a steady work pace.

"Where are my papers?" Carolyn shrieked, suddenly, "Did you leave them at the machine again?"

"They are right here." Marinette smiled, "Right where you left them."

"I told you to do them!" Carrie screamed, "There's a meeting in fifteen minutes."

"Then, you should get to it." Mari replied, "I can't imagine not having the correct information for a meeting. That sounds really important."

"You little bitch!" Carrie shouted, slapping Marinette.

Damian was quick to his feet and glared at the senior worker. Bruce glanced at his son, amused.

"I want her fired." he growled.

'Perhaps, Damian has taken a personal interest in our new hire.'

Marinette just smiled at the vindictive lady, "Sorry, but I have my own job to do. I don't have time to do your job. What have you been doing for the last three hours? So much wasted time. I mean, is your job that hard that your can't copy papers? You've been at this for five years. No offense, but I don't want to be you in five years. Better get started, you have an important meeting in.....ten minutes."

Carrie snarled, grabbed the papers, and hurried away.

"Tim, find what Miss Briggs has been doing for the past three hours." Bruce demanded, "Get back to me when you have found out."

"I suggest Miss Dupain-Cheng be given a workspace away from everyone else." the youngest Wayne chimed in, "It would give her a peace of mind. The collection would get her undivided attention and we will get the results we asked her of."

The two CEO's agreed.

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