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Marinette was exhausted. She thought working at Wayne Enterprise would be a dream come true. Every night she came home ready to pass out. It was getting to the point where she was forcing herself to eat before passing out.

'If only Carrie would leave me alone.'

Marinette was a new hire at Wayne Enterprise. She had been there for a month, when things took a turn for the worst. A lady name Carrie was assigned to their fashion sector. She wasn't a designer or working on any of the clothes; she was basically a secretary to Marinette's boss. She was suppose to get his coffee, make copies, and file things away for the future. For some reason, Carrie decided to dump her work load into her hands.

Marinette was now stuck doing the work of two. Once she had put papers to copy and Carrie had marched up and screamed at her.

"Where are the papers I gave you?" Carried yelled.

"They are getting copied." Marinette spoke.

"And you left them there?" Carrie shouted, "How could you be so irresponsible?"

"You never told me to stay with them. I'm busy-" Marinette began.

"Do I have to tell you how to do everything?" Carrie continued to berate her, "How did a nobody like you get hired in the first place?"

It had been a long day.

Marinette sat in a café close to the office. She had gotten a coffee, but if anything, she wanted a nap. She quickly sat up as someone took the seat across from her.

"Are you okay?" they asked.

Marinette sighed and took a gulp of her coffee, "It's been a long morning."

"Work?" he asked.

"One of my seniors at work keeps forcing me to do their job for her." Marinette confessed, "It's not even in my job description. She gets upset with me constantly. I can't really do or say anything because I'm a new hire. I would probably be replaced the next day. That lady has been there for five years."

Damian frowned as he listened to her.

'A lady who worked for them was forcing others to do her job for her. She's been there for five years and from how this person speaks, it doesn't sound like it was the first time.'

She sighed, "I've been so stressed out. I just want to sleep when I get home; I just feel drained, you know. I have had to force myself to eat when I get home. I'm too tired to even do that, but I know I have to eat."

'I need to figure out who this senior is and fast.'

"Trust me." Damian spoke, "That place is survival of the fittest. They won't fire you because you spoke your mind. Especially, if you were right."

"Thanks for the advice." she whispered, before smiling, "You know, I heard people in Gotham were rude and never really helped each other. Maybe, they just haven't met people like you, Stranger."

'She doesn't know who I am!'

"I never got your name." he spoke, as she stood up.

She smiled, "Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And yours, my Guardian Angel?"

Damian smiled, "I think I'll keep the title you bestowed me."

Marinette giggled and quickly hurried back to the office.

Damian pulled out his phone, "Father, we have a situation in the fashion department. I'll be there in five minutes."

Unexpected AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz