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[Cyclone POV]

I sit outside my window as I didn't manage to sleep. I couldn't sleep because of the dream I'm having, everything just came back to me and it freaks me out. Retak'ka is coming back to find me?!.. But how. Isn't he defeated?

Everyone have self defense, unlike me. I'm a nobody now, everyone is stronger than me. They even have a fusion already, except for me. Probably Retak'ka should take me instead, Boboiboy won't mind it right?

"Not sleeping yet?" I got surprise as I turn my head to the roof and saw Thundy sitting there. "Can I ask you something." I use my hoverboard to get up there and sit beside Thundy. "No, you answer my question first, why aren't you sleeping?" "I can't sleep.." I replied, hugging my hover board. "Having the same dream again?" Thundy said as I turn to the other side. Thundy sighed and just grab my hover board and pull my head to his shoulders.

Thundy pat my head gently, and I got shocked about what he doing. "So, why aren't you sleeping." I question. "Couldn't sleep because I see someone here.""Huh. You cannot sleep because of me?! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed. Thundy just chuckles and put his hand around my shoulder. "Sleep." I look at Thundy and hug his hand. "I don't think I can.."

Thundy just grab my hat and hug me close. "I'm not gonna answer your question unless you have some sleep." He said as I look away. "How about you then" "Doesn't matter, you just get some sleep."





[Cyclone dream]

I open my eyes as I look around, it was a dark room, kinda windy in here. I couldn't move and I didn't know where am I. "Thundy?" I said as I look around and here my echo.

No one has replied me as I try calling for the others too. Where am I. "Tempest.." I can hear a faded voice, I didn't know where is it coming from as it feel like it coming from every direction.

Tempest.. Isn't that my 3rd tier form? Boboiboy haven't unlock it yet. So, is it...... Retak'ka?!

"Im the only one who can control you." Retak'ka's voice was going around my head as I tried to block it off. But no avail, I was panicking as I didn't know what to do.

Retak'ka is not coming back right, he can't. If he did... Boboiboy will protect us right, will he protect me?..

"Tempest, come here" I turned around immediately and saw until Retak'ka. I back up after seeing Retak'ka, I trip and fall. "Tempest, you know I will make you useful, if you just come back to me." Retak'ka held out his hand and get my neck.

I panicked, trying to get out. But couldn't, you'll be mine, soon.

It feel like my power was getting drain again.






I scream loudly, as I sit up from my bed, looking around. My heart was racing as I was heavily breathing. I saw the clock as it was just 4am. I must have been dreaming, but I thought when I sleep it was 2am like that.

Why do I feel like I'm in a long nightmare...

I hear knocking as I got shocked. "Cyclone, you okay in there?" that tone, it must be Blaze. Shit I wake him up, did I wake the rest up..

"I'm fine, sorry." "Okay then.." I hear footsteps from outside my door, walking away further.

I sighed as I lie back down on the bed and look up, trying to fall asleep. But couldn't.

Few hours have passed, and I'm quite bored. I couldn't really fall asleep anymore, so I leave my bed and walk downstairs, I started cooking bacon and eggs. Once is done, I eat alone at the table. As I was eating, I saw a blur glowing blue light outside. I got curious, so I went out.

When I open the door, I saw until a blue butterfly. Huh, never seen this kind of butterfly before. The butterfly flew closer to me and I let out my index finger. Slowly, the butterfly sat on my hand. I smiled and just look at the beautiful glowing butterfly.

"You're so beautiful" I said as the butterfly flapping away, I smiles and walk back inside the house.







"I will save you when you need me"






"The Queen's element"






To be continue..

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