Ch.4 One punch TV

Start from the beginning

He dodged the hit.

When I saw Gyeoul's facial expression I was disgusted.

She's enjoying this. She caused this situation on purpose.

"Say cheese!" Rumi smiled teasingly as she took a photo of her and Gyeoul from below, which was a very unflattering angle, "You're from One Punch TV. The channel that calls out anyone, including celebrities. Nice to meet you, I'm a subscriber."

Rumi zoomed in on Gyeoul in the picture as I tried not to laugh.

"I think this is a good picture of you. I'm gonna post it."

"What are you doing? Did you take a picture of me? You better delete that-" Gyeoul started to rant angrily at her but was cut off.

"Do you get off on this kind of thing? Is it fun to manipulate people like that?" Rumi smirked at Gyeoul's startled expression.

I tuned out some of the talking to see the situation had calmed down with everyone just glaring at each other.

"Because you can try to cover it up with makeup and fancy clothes but I can still tell you have no self-respect."

"Hey, you!" The guy grabbed Rumi by the collar, "What did you say to Gyeoul?"

I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it hard while glaring at the man with a fake smile.

He flinched slightly at my tight hold but tried to hide it.

"I'm leaving." Gyeoul announced as she turned and walked out.

The man turned to look at her as she left.

"What are you looking at?" Taehoon raised his foot in front of the dude's face, "Run off to your master like the obedient dog you are."

After he left, Gaeul pulled me to sit beside her as everyone else took a seat around the table.

Taehoon sat on the other side of me with his feet up.

"Damn, Rumi. That was badass! Did you see how flustered she looked?" Snapper complimented Rumi as Rumi took in the compliments with a smile.

"Holy smokes, Goldilocks! How did you get that harpy to leave?" Gaeul added, "I was planning on teacher her a lesson."

Gaeul rolled up her sleeves to reveal her frail and pale arms.

I laughed at her antics, "Good thing you didn't have to."

Gaeul smiled before turning to Rumi, "Anyway, I've changed my mind about you."

"I'm glad to hear that, Gaeul." Rumi smiled happily.

I've never actually seen her look genuinely happy.

Hobin, who was deep in thought, finally spoke, "Do I seem like that much of a pushover?"

I was about to reply with a harsh comment before Taehoon beat me to it.

"Of course you fucking do." Taehoon hit Hobin on the head, causing him to bite his tongue.

Hobin frowned as he turned to look at the rest of us.

He explained about what happened at the restaurant and how he wanted us to join the company with him.


My phone pinged.

I groaned tiredly and grabbed it to see a message from Hobin.

'Did you see it?'

'It was everywhere. It'd be hard not to.'

'Have you seen Rumi yet?'

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