Chapter 1

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**Naruto pov** Today was Thursday March 14,2023 I'm currently dating the famous ceo person sasuke uchiha, ugh he a real pain in the butt when he's with me , Unfortunately we are keeping our dating secret because I didn't want everyone knowing that we're a couple I wasn't ready yet either tho he didn't care if the whole universe knew we were dating he just wanted to see me happy so we decided not to so yea .

*Narrator pov** Naruto walked in sasuke office with a big bag in his hand both of the couple remembered it was their 7th anniversary they been together for 7 years! But when naruto walked in he didn't see sasuke so he guessed that he was in the meeting room he just placed the gift on the table and started walking towards the door until he saw the raven in the corner of his eye and quickly turned , what he didn't realize was to turn to his side to see a huge pile of flowers leading to a room.

When he followed the flowers and looked up to see roses and balloons everywhere he smiled from ear to ear then all of a sudden he felt big hands sliding on his waist he jumped a little until he realized it was his boyfriend , he looked up and he started to blush that's when the raven connected his lips with the blonde before the blond could even say anything.

Sasuke was overly obsessed with the blonde he wanted everyone to know that naruto was his but he couldn't because he didn't want naruto to feel uncomfortable so he just agreed to not say anything and just kept it secret as they started to kiss it slowly got heated before they could even imagine but some one just had to ruin it when they heard a knock coming from sasuke's office door .

They backed off eachother and gave eachother one more kiss sasuke told naruto to stay in the room while he go and check who was it and then when he opened the door he saw a woman with pink long hair and green eyes wearing a black long dressed. Sasuke gasped of how full on dressed she was but also disgusted because he saw her as trash.

"Hi! I'm Sakura Haruno , I would love to apply for this job and be more closer to you!" She says and smiled moving a little closer . Sasuke rolled his eyes and huffed and digested but loud enough for Sakura to hear him , basically telling her he isn't interested. Sasuke walked to his office and sat down while Sakura followed and sat down on across from him , all was on sasuke's mind was naruto , he looked up and looked at Sakura who was blushing she couldn't believe she was in a room with the most popular ceo person (CEO of uchiha's btw.)

" So tell me about yourself ." Sasuke said annoyed . Sasuke was known for hiding showing his feelings around people but when it comes to naruto he's all clingy and emotional, naruto was the only person that can calm down sasuke . "Well , I'm 19 , I love your business company , I love pin-" she was interrupted when sasuke said " omg really?!" He said pretending to be interested " your hired , now please get out of my office " he said fake smiling. Sakura got up and left saying bye which sasuke didn't reply too.

Naruto was asleep when sasuke walked into the room . It was 10:25pm so when he made sure everyone exited the building he picked up naruto gently and started walking to his car where two man opened the door for sasuke and naruto and let couple get in the car and closed the door after them .

Naruto slowly woke up by all the movement , he started to adjust his eyes and saw his boyfriend holding which made him blush even tho they been together for 7 years he was still shy around sasuke . The blonde started to move around which made the raven look at the blonde and smiled immediately kissing his blonde " your so adorable my love " sasuke said making his blonde blushed they connected their lips making the kiss fill with love they started to get heated nd pushed more into the kiss.

Sasuke puts his hands under naruto shirt making him shiver by his cold hands slowly sliding up and down on his body .Naruto slide his hands around sasukes neck to make the kiss more on . They been kissing for a long time until they had to separate because they remembered they needed air to breathe. While the couple both was trying to catch their breath . They started to continue when all of a sudden sasuke's phone rings , but sasuke didn't want to answer he wanted all his attention on his blonde .

"A-answer it.." Naruto said fixing himself , "No." sasuke said and kissed naruto slowly. They decided to stop because they were by the mansion , when they got there they saw the pink haired woman , sasuke was taken back by this because he don't even know this woman and all of a sudden she stalks him . "Wtf.." sasuke mumbles but loud enough for naruto to hear , "hm?" Naruto said then he looked and waited stil the drivers stopped . The blonde wanted to go up the pink woman and ask who tf is she is but he didn't want her to get the idea that he was with sasuke so he just crossed his arms and sasuke looked at naruto "what's wrong?" The raven said .

"Nothing ." Naruto said harshly but he didn't mean to make it sound like tht so he just kissed the blonde and wanted to get out . Raven understood naruto so he just walked out the car and put his hands in his pockets and walked up the pink haired woman "wtf are you doing here ." The raven said coldly , "I'm just here to see my b-." She said but was interrupted by the raven "Look- I'm not interested in you so would u just fuck off before you in up somewhere... for example jail?" Raven said harsh . " aw don't be like that sasuke~" she said as she put her hand on his face. The raven was about to throw up and look at her in disgust and slapped her hand away , "tf is you doin ? Leave!" He yelled pushing her away. She looked at sasuke in shocked and walked away tears rolling down her eyes .

*** This my first book so no hate please 😭🤚🏽.***

My famous boyfriend ! (Sasunaru)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum