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Anjali:Arnav will suffer each and every minute of the delay you prolong on signing the deal.

Kushi: You and your husband won't do any harm to Arnavji or else...

Anjali cunningly smirked at Shyam and he started to near Kushi,

Shyam: let me give you a latest preview kushi and(he opened a video which showed Arnav hanging upside down with just his brief and he was tied in a way that he could never open his hands unless we cut with a equipment.)

Shyam:what will you do kushi?And I hope you still remember what I want from you especially?

Kushi stood shocked remembering how that morning shyam tried to harass her in her cabin saying he wants to have his baby in kushi's womb by spending a night with her in exchange of Arnav getting daily dosage of medition in that kidnap period.

Anjali didn't like shyam wanting anything personally with kushi let alone a baby which she wants and also as she is afraid of getting caught because of her husband's stupidity.

Anjali came near kushi and shyam and told in a deep vulgar voice, apart from the deal we both dont need anything from you slut.I know you may entice my husband by opening your cu*t wide but we reject that offer.

Kushi:I am not offering anything Anjali all I want is my Arnavji's safety.

Shyam:Then give us what we want.

Saying this the crewl couple move out.

Aman came there panting with red eyes which clearly show how much he is trying to find his friend.

Kushi: Please tell me something about Arnavji.

Aman:.......kushi.....ASR is ok.

And started to say what happened....

On the other side of city Arnav could not control his pain as repeatedly the goons were surrounding him.

At one point Arnav lost his consciousness and saw his soul being removed once again and this time he sensed he was not alone at all.

Dhruv was there when Arnav tried of physically beating the goons through his power.

Dhruv held Arnav's hand and calmed him saying only thing that will sooth his soul,"kushi wants you alive arnav"

Arnav's soul groaned loudly on his knees and cried and remembered how Arnav got kidnapped by Anjali group.

While Arnav came to the spot on that day, a group of well built goons tried to attack Arnav from back and while Arnav was fighting he was shot with a syring from a sniper and he got unconscious.

When he got up he was totally tied up and even his eyes was close but he heard shyam insisting Anjali to kill him then and there but Anjali refusing it and stating that they need all his wealth and once after they get it they'll kill him and kushi will be gang raped till her death.

Dhruv:Comeon bro now we dont need to the grim reaper to find out about your act and hey kushi bhabi is waiting for you.

Arnav's soul cried listening at kushi's name.

Arnav:My kushi.....she's waiting for me..Dhruv tell me what are all can I do without gaining Grimreaper's attention.

Dhruv:We'll see....your physical self is dying and you got only twelve hours in hand, all you can do is observe the surroundings.

Arnav:what the? Are you fucking kidding me?

Dhruv who tried to keep his face straight started to chuckle and hold Arnav's hand.

Arnav felt extremely calm once Dhruv hand touched him, and also he saw a black hooded man standing behind him who came infront of his form.

Arnav: Who...who are you now?

Black hooded guy: Dhruv you said your bro is smart and will find me at once when he sees me?

Arnav:yeah...yeah you must be the "Grim Reaper".

Grim Reaper:That's condescending but yep I am he.And I am here for my due.

Arnav became sad listening to this and said please let me save my wife before you take me.

Dhruv: hmmm Arnav he's here for two souls and not one and among the two souls is you.

Arnav was not understanding anything and went neat Dhruv and asked in deadly calm heavy voice: explain.

Grim Reaper: I am here to justify you.Your are not one to die today.You believe it or not there are so many powers are there, who closely watches everyone's deeds and determine the lifeline of a person.

Soul Paper - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now