The Watchman of the Underworld

Start from the beginning

"Dude, there's nowhere to "get back" to in this cramped elevator. You need to chill."

"Ta-da!" Ortho exclaimed, showing the screen.

"Hm? It's a projection of The Hydra Strikes Back." Jamil said.

"That's the stupid game you made me play earlier." The lion male said.

"Yup! This will be your first trial. You must beat The Hydra Strikes Back! If you win the game, I'll grant you the privilege of challenging us."

"He's breaking out a video game right now? What's his angle? I'll play it, Leona-senpai." The black haired male said.

The said male looked at him, "What? Why you?"

"There's no telling what king of traps this game's been rigged with. It would be ill-advised to just blunder in."

"Look, it's just a stupid game."

"We can't be too careful. What if the controller is rigged to electrify anyone who touches it?"

"Geez, talk about paranoid. I wouldn't do anything that nasty." Ortho said.

Shoto shook his head and stepped up, taking the controller, "I'll play since both of you seemed to be in a disagreement."

The boy smiled and clapped his hands, "Ah, Shoto Todoroki-san! I can't wait to see how you do. Let's start the game!"


Leona laughed, "Way to go. You got a game over in seconds!"

Shoto's eyes were widen, "What?" He muttered.

"Now hold on a minute." Jamil exclaimed, pointing at the screen, "What was that? The game was way harder than when Leona-senpai played it!"

"Of course it was. Where's the fun in doing the exact same thing again?" Ortho said.

"You had it for a second there, Shoto." The lion male smirked.

"Whose side are you on?!" Jamil exclaimed, backing up (Y/n)'s brother.

"Oh, c'mon! This isn't life or death! Games are all about having fun, right?" He smiled, "Fine, I guess I'll lower the difficulty and give you another shot." He changed the setting, "Now pick that controller back up!"


"Here's Tartarus, then. The Phantom containment facility..." Azul trailed off, "Did they drill under the seabed to build this? It's so deep, I can't see the bottom. All the high-density blot blowing up is stopping us from using flight magic. I wonder how many stairs we'll have to go down to reach the Underworld."

He let out a small breath, seeing the little cloud, "I can see my breath...It must be rather chilly here. I'm no stranger to the cold, but I suggest you take care to avoid hypothermia, Riddle-san..." He looked around, not seeing the teen, "Wait, Riddle-san? Where'd he..." He then looked ahead, eyes widening, "Hey! He's way ahead of me!" He then ran up, "Hold on! You can't just run off on your own!"

Riddle looked at him from the corner of his eye, walking, "Me, running off? I believe you were the one who slowed down. We're not here to sightsee, and we don't have time for a leisurely chat."

"I'm not making small talk, you know. It's reasonable first step to try and get a grasp of our situation."

"Two sayings come to mind: "the early bird catches the worm" and "you snooze, you lose."" He smirked, "Acting before others gives us the initiative. That is a reasonable first step."

"Ahh, classic Riddle-san, charging ahead. Typical of someone who became housewarden a week after enrolling. There is another saying, you know: "haste makes waste." But it's no matter. You're the leader here, so I'll follow what you say."

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