Chapter 3

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I stopped everyone at the entrance to the spiral stairs "Alright, if you aren't from the future you can't go farther. You guys aren't really supposed to know about this anyway."

Poppy pouts and softly touches Ominis arm, "Alright, i Guess, come, Ominis we should get ready for our afternoon class."

Ominis pulled out his wand and the two began to walk back. It was only then I realized Sebastian was standing next to me smiling watching them walk off.

"From the future?" I asked him innocently.

"If it gives me more time with you, then yes." We both smirked at eachother. I'm not sure he could tell mine was sarcastic. "And you promised you'd show me the map chamber."

Damn, I had.

"Two years ago, before you," I made my voice softer, "murdered someone?"

"Like you are one to talk." He said not whispering.

"That's different I was saving the school and all of wizardkind." I stood a little more prouder, "and I succeeded."

He rolled his eyes and took my hand starting for the stairs and making me blush. "Come on your friends probably want to get home."

I stuttered the entire walk down the stairs because he never let go. He didn't even do this that much before I left so why was he suddenly so brazen.

"Seb- Sebastian wait. I can walk down myself you are going to make me slip."

I could hear Tina somewhere behind me, "oh they are very cute. I wish you were had been that brave at the beginning." She whispered to newt.

"We aren't cute." I said finally getting my hand free.

I stopped at the doors to the map chamber. My heart suddenly ached. And the fear I suddenly felt thinking about being so close to the repository again.

"Maybe we should go to the one in the library." I suggested.

"Why we are already here?" Sebastian asked, Oblivious seeing as I hadn't told him what had happened. Down there was something I never wanted to experience again.

Newt who I did tell put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "If you really want to we can. But you did always say you wanted to face that fear you had felt that night."

I let out a long breath. I glanced over my shoulder at Sebastian who seems to slyly be eyeing up Newt and then rolling his eyes.

Slowly I reached for the door but as I began to push the memory of that repository glowing and calling to me made me gasp and let go of the door.

"Ava?" Sebastian asked starting to get more concerned.

"I'm fine." I said too quickly.

I took a deep breath and pushed the two big doors open. The portraits were empty, the actual door to the repository was still filled with rubble. But in front of the rubble sat a cold empty archway.


Two years ago

"Miss la Fey we must go and get you checked." Professor Weasley begged as she pulled me away from profesor Figs body. "We will take care of him. I promise."

I knew they would, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that if I was next to his body the pull of the repository I had just created couldn't have such a strong pull on me.

I looked up at it and Weasley suddenly gasped and took a small step back. "Miss la Fey you must leave this area."

She had professor Ronen lift me up and Carry me out back into the map chamber. As we got up there I pulled away almost feeling like I was being pulled back down there. As I got to the entrance suddenly a bunch of rubble crashed down blocking the door.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now