Chapter Three

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The sultan's sentence was that Humeira should be executed and beaten as he had also found out about the spell she cast on him, Ibrahim Pasha was also affected by that as he was supposed to control and watch over all the people the sultan was with.

Sultana Hurrem was thinking of not forgiving the sultan and again I stepped in to tell her to give him one more chance, I do it because I know that the sultan loves her and because I don't want to change the story so much, I also told her that if he betrayed her trust again she will no longer grant her forgiveness, at that time he sent for her and we said goodbye to her.

That happened early in the morning and I am just now playing with the shezades Selim, and Bayezid in the big garden, I was trying to catch them but when I caught Bayezid Selim made fun of him, which caused the other shezade to jump on his brother to hit him. I quickly went towards them and pulled them apart receiving a very hard blow from Bayezid in the face, I said nothing and just looked at both shezades.

- "You two are brothers, and if you keep fighting I promise you both that I will never talk to you or cook for you again, understand?"

Sezabes - "Okay... we won't fight anymore."

Bayezid - "I-I'm sorry I hit you, I didn't mean to, I really didn't."

- "You are already forgiven Bayezid, now both of you come and give me a hug Rely both of you came up to me to hug me"

I pulled away and proposed to play again but I saw the boys bow, I turned and saw the sultan, and my blood froze. Is he going to have me executed for hugging the shezades? I quickly bowed and lowered my eyes, the sultan sent his sons inside and ordered me to stay, I am definitely dead.

The shezades left and the sultan told me to raise my face.

Suleiman - "You mustn't be afraid, I won't do anything to you. I just want to have a conversation with you and thank you, come with me."

I just nodded and walked beside him, we were walking through the beautiful garden full of flowers and I just grabbed one with great care.

Suleiman - "Your name does you justice Alev, you are like the flame of fire, I can count on one hand the people who have shouted at me and you are one of them. I thank you for telling me the truth about safavida, and also for convincing my sultana to forgive me. I also saw how my princes love you, I never saw them apologize for anything."

I just laughed a little and he apologized for the blow Bayezid had given me, I told him there was no problem and not to worry.

Suleiman - "You have a big heart and an undeniable beauty, that's why I decided to give you another name, from now on you will be called Bellinay Alev, because you are like the reflection of the moon."

I smiled a little sorry and he permitted me to leave, I went running to my friend Marlena and told her everything, she just hugged me being happy for me and was walking me to my room when I collided with someone, I fell to the ground very hard and then I saw a hand land in front of me, carefully I grabbed it and helped me to get up when I saw who it was I quickly moved away and bowed. I had never seen him before but I know who he is, he is Prince Mehmet, a favorite of the Sultan and the Sultana.

- "I'm very sorry prince, I didn't look properly on the way..."

Mehmet - No need to apologize, I was also very distracted... What happened to your face?"

- "Uhm...I-I, the shezades Selim and Bayezid were fighting, I separated them and Bayezid accidentally hit me but nothing happened."

Mehmet - "Of course it's okay, you can see that the blow was strong..."

At that moment he was going to speak again but someone arrived saying that Sultana Mihrimah called me.

- "With your permission shezade, I must leave."

I quickly left in the direction of Sultana's room.


Five weeks later

I was laughing and throwing water on Prince Mehmet's face, in these weeks he got closer to me, and every time he can he invites me to take a walk with him in the garden, and I accept because I keep on with the plan to save his damn life and now even more because maybe, just maybe I'm falling in love with him. Mihrimah knows it and she never gets tired of saying that we are going to get married, I just deny it and tell him that it's only affection that I feel for him.

We were laughing but we heard the sultan being announced, I quietly stood up and bowed. With the sultan I am also spending a lot of time with him, sometimes he calls me to go for a walk with him, he has even started to teach me how to use the sword and bow and we have also talked, it is like a relationship I never had with my father and it makes me very happy. The sultan asked me to accompany him and I just went with him and Mehmet.

He took me to a garden area when I got there I could see that all the sultanas were in that place I was about to bow but the sultan just told me not to, the sultanas except Hurrem and Mihrimah looked annoyed and confused.

The sultan just grabbed a box next to him and then spoke.

Suleiman - "Alev, in these weeks I have shared pleasant moments with you, I have become very fond of you and I consider you as a daughter, therefore on this very day, I the sultan of the world grant you your freedom and proclaim you as a sultana, you will have the same rights as my beloved sultana of the sun and the moon. Now you are Bellinay Alev Sultan, the Sultana who reflects the beauty of the moon and the rebelliousness of the flame of fire. And all but me, my shezades, my haseki, and my beloved daughter must bow to you, must follow your orders, and respect you. You can trust me and if anyone does anything to you I will not hesitate to execute them."

I was shocked, yet I just hugged the sultan and shed some tears, after that the princes sons of Hurrem, Mihrimah, and Sultana Hurrem came to embrace me. I watched as the other sultanas reluctantly bowed to me. This is the beginning of my sultanate.

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