Chapter 11

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She stood hesitantly at the doorstep, fumbling with her bracelet before finally ringing the bell

Josie has known Hayley since she was seven, she has known her to be kind and sweet, all factions respected her

The idea of who Klaus might be however, was quite intimidating.

His notorious reputation proceeded him, multiple chapters in multiple highly regarded books in her school's library were dedicated to him. Precisely to how brutal he is .

Her parents were after all firsthand Witnesses of some of his heinous crimes

But Caroline does insist that it's a closed chapter better left undiscussed whenever she or Lizzie brings it up

After the third ring she finally comes face to face with the infamous Klaus Mikaelson

Stories or rather jokes to get under hope's skin about her father flooded the school

And despite the way his abandonment deeply damaged Hope, she was never kind to anyone participating in a negative conversation about her father


" And who might you be?"

Josie realized she spaced out for almost a minute

Her mouth opened to respond when Hayley showed up

" It's... Josie "

The realization that this must be hope's highschool crush slash "girlfriend" finally hit him

" Come on in sweetie"


" I don't wanna take up much of your time, I'm actually here for hope... Mom says she's missing and i want to help out "

She spat the words all at once with so much determination

Klaus raised an eyebrow, he couldn't help but think the young witch is overestimating her abilities.
If a witch as skilled as his sister Freya was of no help what makes an amateur sixteen year old witch thinks she could accomplish anything

He still remained silent so as to not anger an already infuriated Hayley

They needed to stick together now more than ever

Hayley seemed to have read his mind because she voiced his exact same thoughts

In a far kinder manner than he could've ever accomplished

" Josie, sweetheart.. we really appreciate how much you care for hope, but we've tried a hundred kinds of locator spells and nothing worked"

Josie pursed her lips, slightly upset with their distrust in her craft but replied with a gentle tone

" There's a spell that I've done a million times before with hope, even if something is weakening or blocking her magic currently i can still access her mind, I'll need to channel a lot of energy and it might not work if she's too spacey but it's worth a shot "

Not having many choices anyway Klaus finally speaks

" Alright then, you can channel me, i am after all an original hybrid with a thousand years of blood on my hands, surely that'll do the trick "


Unfortunately none of Josie's many attempts worked, indicating it's most likely that hope's brain is too foggy but she reassured them both that she'll keep trying till she gets something

Hayley was laying on the couch with yet another liquor bottle in hand

He takes the bottle out of her grasp before sitting beside her .

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