chapter 8

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It was a stormy night and no matter how much Hope rolled in her bed she couldn't sleep

The man's features weren't clear but she could swear he was familiar

She can recognize that silhouette anywhere

But again it could've been the alcohol playing tricks on her already fragile mind

She decides to go for a late night walk to clear her thoughts


In the room downstairs Hayley could not sleep either

She went to the kitchen for a snack to find Klaus already there

He tossed her a blood bag with a grin

She took the seat beside him And her eyes drifted to the bouquet still sitting on the countertop, smiling

" She's right"

He looked at her dumbfounded

" What?"

His eyes followed hers and rested on the dying flowers

" It is tacky"

He laughed

" I'm sorry"

" Apart from that bouquet you have a lot to apologize for, be more specific"

His gaze moved from the bouquet to settle on her pretty face

" For Everything"

She sighed blinking back tears and got out of her chair visibly irritated

Maybe sad, but who knows with her

Her feet froze

" I don't love her"

He moved to stand right behind her

His hands found their way to her waist keeping her in place

As if his words didn't paralyze her

Maybe because she's afraid of what he'll say next

" Unfortunately there's this obnoxious girl who's been holding my heart in her grip for a long time now"


" You're drunk "

He shrugged, it's so like her to run away when overwhelmed with any emotion

Quite like him, except he's tired of running

Of hiding and pretending .

Of wasting time on what ifs

He sighed, his hands slipping off of her waist

and she already misses his touch

Without a second thought she turns around and captures his lips with her own in a hungry kiss

Time stops

He can definitely be dramatic but he can swear the earth stopped spinning

It's nothing like she remembers how their last and only other kiss went

That one was fueled by alcohol and a different kind of lust

One sexual intimacy could fulfill

Now however, no amount of sex could do justice to the way they felt for one another

Can't make the burning desire any easier

For it has exceeded all existing limits

Years of pent up Love and desperation hiding beneath a mask of indifference and even resentment

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