Ch:3 Change of heart?

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Y/n's POV:

We ran as fast as we could and next thing I knew that I was pulled into an alley. We were both out of breath.

"Its all ur fault!" I said.

"How the heck it is my fault? Its his fault to get his emotions better of him!" Said the guy infront of me.

We heard a loud stomp coming for us.

"Uh oh" I said nervously.

"Quick! We hve to act like a couple!" Stated Felix.

"Wait what! Why?" I shouted.

When Felix opened his mouth, he didn't say anything and quickly shuted his mouth. He then pulled me closer and kissed me.

His hand was running towards my waist as he pulled me in. His lip was so soft that I almost melted. And my heart was pounding really fast but I didn't kissed him back, cause I didn't know how to react. As I was still in shock.

Then I heard the voice behind me said "Haha!! found- oh looks like u guys r already inlove." He then started to move away from us.

Felix finally pull apart from that kiss.

My heart was still beating fast.

"Why would u that!? U literally stole my first kiss!" I shouted.

"As if it wasn't my first kiss either." Said Felix plainly.

"Wait, it wasn't?" I asked.

"Ofcourse it was!" said Felix.

"Oh my bad" I said.

"U r really dumb, aren't u? Said Felix.

"Rude." I said.

"Anyways that still dosen't explained that why u kissed me." I said again.

"To save us dumbo." He said.

"Huh?" i said cluelessly.

"Because.... He said that he would make us fall inlove, but if we already act as we r inlove he wouldn't attack us, just like now." Felix explained.

"Ur right, anyways I gotta go!" I said.

"Where r u going? What if u get caught?" He plainly asked.

"Aww u care about me" I said.

"Shut up Y/n. I am serious. Can't I ask my frnd?" He said as he crossed his hands.

"Wait, what. Frnds?!" I asked in shocked.

"Ya, frnds." Said the guy.

"So u finally accept me?" I said.

"Ya ig, I decided to give u a chance." He said.

"Oh that's great then." I smiled.

"Anyways u still didn't ans my question, where r u going?" He asked again.

'Shoot! I almost forgot about the ackumatization.'

"Oh right ya, I am just going to hide so bye!" I said and ran out of that alley.

I was running and at last I finally found the hiding spot. I ran towards the spot and then dazzle flew out of my purse.

"Can u believe it, that he finally accept me as his frnd!!"

"We can talk about that later but..... U need to transform." Said Dazzle.

"Oh right. Dazzle time to glow!" I said as I tranformed.

I flew to the rooftop of the building and waited for Chat to come.

Felix POV:

I watched Y/n ran past me. And Plagg flew out of my pocket.

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