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You had hit a rough patch in life. You lost your job and in turn lost your apartment. You couldn't stay with your family, they were toxic. You'd been couch surfing and living out of your car for a month. Your friends wanted to help but they didn't have space, they lived in a small house all together and it was already too crowded. So your car would have to do.
"Hey y/n! I have this friend and he has an extra room for rent! I already talked to him about your situation and he said you could move in and then start paying rent once you find a job." Luffy said happily.
"Oh my god Luffy thank you so much! So who is he?" You ask
"Oh you've met him, it's Traffy!" He replies
Your smile falls to a pout. Law is the opposite of most of your friends, he's quiet, dismissive, and cold. You'd never really liked the guy but you really couldn't keep sleeping in your car.

You and Luffy sat in a cafe waiting to meet up with Law. Luffy was blowing bubbles in his hot chocolate then the hot liquid splashed him in the face right as Law walked in. Law winced and looked like he wanted to turn around and leave. You helped Luffy clean up his face and got him some ice. "I warned you not to do that Luffy" you said with a loving smile. Law just watched you take care of your idiotic friend instead of helping at all. After Luffy tried to make you and Law become friends for an hour Law stood up.

"Here is the address, and a key. Your room is on the second floor third door on the left. I have to go to work now." Law said handing you a paper with the address and a key. You thanked him and he left.

"That was kind of awkward. Do you wanna come with me to check the place out?" You asked Luffy.

"I wish I could but Nami just texted me and told me that she's going to start charging me if I don't get my share of the chores done on time." Luffy said sadly. You laughed, that was Nami all right.

You made your way through the neighborhood looking for the address Law had given you. 'All of these houses are so big.' You thought.
You looked up at the nicest house on the block and it had the right house number.
"Damn I can't believe this is his place. He must have a billion room mates." You said to yourself.
You made your way through the front door and were greeted by a big fluffy white dog. After about an hour of loving on your new best friend Bepo, you made your way up the stairs to find a long hallway with six doors.
'I can't remember which door he said it was.' You thought. So although you felt bad for invading his privacy you checked each door. The first on the right was a closet, the first on the left was a bathroom, the second on the right was an office, the second on the left was a laundry room, the third on the right was... well it had to be Laws room but it was immaculate. Without thinking you wandered inside his room, a large bed in the middle of the room with two end tables and two large closets, and a massive window with an amazing view. Unlike any other guys rooms you'd seen, laws was organized and tidy. You snuck out of the room and opened the door across from it. There was a medium sized bed, a small dresser, a big mirror, a nice window, and a medium sized closest. There was a note on the dresser.
"There are clean sheets in the hallway closet, I won't be home until late, if you have any problems text." And he had written his number on the bottom.
'I wonder what he does. It's a huge house but there's only two bedrooms. He must have family money or something.' You thought as you brought in your things. After you were done putting away all of your clothes you check the fridge to see if you could make anything. It was basically empty other than some condiments and alcohol. 'Okay so I need to go shopping. You scrounged up as much money as you had and went to the store. You bought some ingredients and headed back. After putting away the groceries bepo whined at you to let him out into the back yard. When you did he ran off to do his business and you just stared in awe at the beautiful pool and yard. 'Geez everything is so nice here.' You thought

That night you woke up to the sound of bepo squeaking. You went down to check on him. You stumbled in on bepo tackling Law to the ground to lick his whole face. Law didn't put up much of a fight and ended up bear hugging the dog. You giggled at the sight which startled Law.
Law jumped up and brushed himself off.
"Sorry I didnt mean to wake you." He said.
"Haha I'm glad I didn't miss that." You replied.
Law seemed to be blushing a bit. You looked down and remembered you you only had on a t shirt and some lace panties. You squealed and ran back up the stairs to your new room.
Law couldn't tear his eyes off your cute little butt in those skimpy panties he could almost see everything as you bounced up the stairs..

The truth is Law was a loner, Luffy had kind of forced law into being his friend, that's how all of laws friends were really. He liked being alone it was better for his work schedule anyway. But when Luffy begged him to take you in he couldn't resist, Law had always admired you and your relationship with your friends. To be honest he thought you were adorable so Luffy didn't have to try very hard to convince him.
But when he saw you that exposed he knew this was a bad idea...

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